Might have another work around.

update page set position=position + 1 where designation=(select designation 
from page where book='1' order by position desc)

and then insert your page.

Please see if that'll work. I tested it, but your results may differ.




-----Original Message-----
From: RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za>
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
Sent: Mon, Dec 8, 2014 9:15 am
Subject: Re: [sqlite] sqlite bugreport : unique index causes valid updates to 

On 2014/12/08 15:58, Gwendal Roué wrote:
> I'm new to this mailing list, and I won't try to push my opinion, which is : 
yes this is a bug, and this bug could be fixed 
> without introducing any regression (since fixing it would cause failing code 
to suddenly run, and this has never been a 
> compatibility issue). Thank you all for your support and explanations. The 
root cause has been found, and lies in the constraint 
> checking algorithm of sqlite. I have been able to find a work around that is 
good enough for me. Now the subject deserves a rest, 
> until, maybe, someday, one sqlite maintainer who his not attached to the 
constraint-checking algorithm fixes it. Have a nice day, 
> Gwendal Roué 

Your new-ness is irrelevant, if you have a worthy argument it deserves being 
heard. To that end, let me just clarify that nobody was 
saying the idea of deferring the constraint checking is invalid or ludicrous 
least I had no such intention) and you make a valid 
point, especially since most other DB engines do work as you suggest - and this 
will be fixed in SQLite4 I believe, where 
backward-compatibility is not an issue.

The reason I (and others) will say it isn't a bug is because it isn't working 
different than is intended, or more specifically, than 
is documented. It works exactly like described - whether you or I agree with 
that paradigm or not is up to discussion but does not 
make it a "bug" as long as it works as described.

I hope the work-around you found works great!

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