All the suspicious connection are open to port 9000 which is the main
port on LMS.  Port 3483 is used when playing stream. 

Since the"open file "is clearly a network socket you can filter all non
network connections by using the "-i" option (e.g "lsof -i -a -p <pid>"

It looks there is one specific device causing the problem unless you
have managed somehow to have mulitple devices with same name.
If you want to check if it is a specific device causing the problem the
"-i" can be used to filter - to filter an IPv4 address use "-i

lsof -i @ -a -p 12345

If you can get issue isolated to one device - you can monitor more
precisely (i.e. just the network connections from one device) and
frequently. See how often or when  the "new "connection is made.  The
frequency or associated event (e.g. menu selection) may indicate the

If the problem is is limited to one player - check the player's
configuration for anything that might require many regular communcations
with LMS (e.g. images).  Pehraps do a factory reset.

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