I've never made much use of playlists, I mostly use favorites and play
whole albums, or just song mixes.

However, I've been on a massive vinyl to mp3 conversion, I have
digitized more than 200 albums already and have 10x that to do. I may
finish before I die, I may not :)

What I'd like to do is create fixed playlists of tracks. Some of the
playlists when selected would play sequentially, others
randomly/shuffle. I know I can set a player to play randomly, but I'd
rather embed this into the playlist. is this possible? 

I guess not looking at the de-facto m3u spec, but wondered if there were
any LMS specific extensions?


Running a ReadyNAS NVX LMS Server, currently 7.9.0; Transporter(Living
Room)+Duet Controller; Squeezebox Touch(Master Bedroom),
(2x)Boom(Office, Patio), Radio(Guest Bedroom), Classic(garage).
Also using Squeezeplay on Windows 10. Use Squeeze Ctrl app on Android.
cathcam's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=43414
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108012

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