dolodobendan wrote: 
> With 1.03.2beta the stopping problem is back.
> In other news:
> Important things I learned today with your installer, maybe helpful for
> others:
> With "Advanced Folder Permissions" enabled and "Support Windows ACL"
> disabled, the user "squeezeboxserver" has to be enabled in Control Panel
> / Users, otherwise playlists won't work. <- This took a while to figure
> out, because most things work with the user disabled. Thank you @DJanGo!
> With above config and QTS 4.3.4, these settings work:
> >   >   > 
  - In QNAP's "Advanced Folder Permissions", "squeezeboxserver" needs
  > RW access to the share Multimedia (assuming that's where the music
  > folders are located) (but not to ALL subfolders!) The owner is admin
  > and guest access may be denied.
  - "squeezeboxserver" needs RO access to the Music folder and all
  > subfolders. The owner may be the user, guest access may be denied.
  - "squeezeboxserver" needs RW access to the Playlists folder. The
  > owner may be the user, guest access may be denied.
  - Music and Playlists folder work with permissions 0770, owner=user
  > and group=everyone
  - Playlist files created within LMS will have permissions 0660 and
  > work just fine, owner=squeezeboxserver and group=squeezeboxserver
  - "Enable ACL filetests" plugin is not necessary.
  > > > Oké thanks, I use lms on Qnap without ACL. So for me I tested it on my
Qnap with the configuration that give me what I want. And as I am a big
music fan, it's completely configured for that. 

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maintainer of Qnap-LogitechMediaServer and Qnap-Optware-NG.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.1 ( with spotty and youtube )
Serval raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*
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