digimaster wrote: 
> I was think about youŕe installation trouble.
> And remember was running in to the same trouble a few months ago.
> I my case the trouble was gzip from optware.
> So are you running a optware/entware or something like that.
> If so disable it before installing QLogitechMediaServer.
> And then do ./LogitechMediaServer.sh restart, and when ready do
> ./LogitechMediaServer.sh status.
> No need to reinstall it, as everything it there, only teh SlimServer
> directory is not properly filled.
> And it looks like thats not correctly unpack on you're system, and tar
> is depending on a good working gzip.
> The optware/entware instaled gzip can give a conflict while
> installation.

No Optware in App Center.   I downloaded
'logitechmediaserver-7.9.1-1515516449.tar' and copied that to /QDownload
then stopped and started LMS.

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