steklo wrote: 
> It seems the C-3PO plugin is able to do the things I want – resampling
> on server site within LMS. And still preserving the ability to send PCM
> from LMS to pCP.
> This might be an interesting option in case I would find to prefer PCM
> sonically against ALAC in my setup... Or if it turns out that my above
> settings in pCP result in resampling on the client site instead of the
> server.
> Any experience with that? How would I have to set it up to downsample
> audio above 96/24 to the next even-numbered supported sample rate and
> leave everything up to and including 96/24 as is?

To resample everything to 96Khz, just select ONLY 96Khz as "Output
sample rates (PCM)" in C-3PO and any of the "Target sample rate is"

To resample to 96kHZ only material with sample rate greather than 96Kz,
you could just inform LMS that your DAC could only play until that
limit, setting max rate and -E option in squeezelite.

If you preffer to use C-3PO, you could check i.e. 44100, 48000, 88200,
96000 Hz  as "Output sample rates (PCM)" and choose the  "Target sample
rate is" options that better suite your needs.

If using C-3PO, you could  select "Output Bit-depth" and a right
dithering option, usefull when downsampling/reducing the bit lenght.
I advise you to stay with Very Hight Quality resampling and Linear
phase, unless severe hw limitation, in that case try first to reduce the
passband, any value > 900 is safe, but this is just my opinion, you
better try yourself, at the end of the day, this is the real mission of



Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
marcoc1712's Profile:
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