Is this deliberate or will --nomysqueezebox still function as expected?

I don't think there's been any change in this regard. But I do know that there are some plugins which don't respect the --nomysqueezebox parameter.

You could enable debug logging for network.asynchttp and network.squeezenetwork, check to box to stick during restart, then restart LMS with the firewall locked down. This might give you some hint about what call is being done, and where it's coming from.

And I've mentioned this before: I'd prefer if you didn't use that parameter. Not because anybody wants to suck up all your data. But because the little reporting LMS does is the only data I have to tell the management that there are still hundreds of thousands of active users out there. With none of that "proof" it's hard to make anyone understand why they should continue to run servers, forums, build systems etc.


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