Evan_E wrote: 
> I've searched the forum for terms like "iTunes", "MacOS", and
> "Catalina", but can't seem to find anything about this - as of the
> forthcoming release of MacOS 10.15 "Catalina", Apple's going to be
> dispensing with iTunes, replacing it with a "Music" app modeled after
> the one in iOS. 
> ...
> Thanks in advance for anyone who can share their experiences.

I just (perhaps foolishly) upgraded my LMS server to Catalina.  Indeed
iTunes import isn't working well. My library size even thwarts the
manual "Export Library" to XML workaround.  As a last resort, so I can
listen to some music while I figure out databases etc., I tried pointing
LMS's "Music Folder" to my Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music folder, and
lo-and-behold, it worked great.

The other thing Catalina does is deprecate all 32 bit executables. This
interferes with LMS's ability to on-the-fly convert file formats. These
converters (on my system) are in
I used homebrew to install 64-bit versions of most of them - faad, mac,
sox, flac, all have easy replacements, and I removed the 32-bit versions
from the prefPane, and replaced them with symlinks to the homebrew
executables in /usr/local/bin.

There is one missing one, though: "sls", which is proprietary by
Fraunhofer. Strings on that binary says this:

    MPEG-4 SLS / HD-AAC Decoder (c) 2006-2009 Fraunhofer IIS Erlangen (build: 
  All Rights Reserved.
  This build is for use with Squeezebox Server only.
  This software and/or program is protected by copyright law and
  international treaties.
  Any reproduction or distribution of this software and/or program, or
  any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,
  and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.

According to Settings>>Advanced>>File types, SLS is used for MPEG-4
SLS/HD-AAC files. Not sure if I have any of those, or how I'd check.

Anyway, I'm happily listening to my library again, with only a little

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