Catalina is by far my worst experience with Mac OS.  This issue alone
has resulted in my moving LMS over to a Raspberry Pi solution running
the Max2Play software(LMS and Squeezelite in one box).  Even after that,
Disk Utility in Catalina destroyed a perfectly good micro SD Card on
format and I've now regressed to Mojave just to have full functionality
of my iMac.  Ridiculous.  On the other hand, The Raspberry Pi solution
is pretty decent.  Theres some latency issues while a hard drive spins
up before an initial selection plays but other than that it's doable. 
The biggest issue is running two libraries and getting new music onto
the LMS installation via network.  It'll do for now.  The Max2Play
software(free) is new to me and I much prefer it to DietPi.  Once you
find the IP address you can log in and set it up remotely(super nice).

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