slartibartfast wrote: 
>  I too would love to be able to play complete podcasts via LMS on a Pi.

I don't think there is a quick fix.

As I see it, this situation has arisen for two reasons:
1. Podcasts were originally handled the same in and LMS
which meant no storage.
2. It seems podcast servers are now been tuned to download rather than
stream. Thismay be because of increasenbumber of users, increased size
of podcast because longer & higher bitrate.

This mean the only proper solution would be a plugin which it is a LMS
only solution.
* handles podcast RSS/XML feeds.
*  downloads the podcast at the same time as it being played. Once
played the download is played or stopped, the file is deleted. 
*  handle bookmarks and chapters (both  MP4 and MP3).

As user could initiate multiple podcast playback simultaneously and some
podcasts are 100's Mbytes in size - not sure what might happen on Picore
LMS systems with no disk.

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