diode84 wrote: 
> Is anyone running LMS on a PC with a very small linux operating system.
> I have a 1.0 ghz, 2gb ram on a 2gb flash drive.
> I have tried puppy Linux but cant get LMS to run on it, it installs but
> wont run.

I'd suggest you try again with Puppy. Make sure you get the right
version of LMS:
If you use BionicPup64, you'll need the latest nightly (7.9.2, e.g.
If you use XenialPup64, 7.9.1 should work as well
If this still fails, check the LMS server.log 

A different approach would be to run LMS in a container, e.g. install
Alpine Linux (~130 MB of storage) and then the smallest LMS Docker
container you can find

'Various SW' (https://www.nexus0.net/pub/sw/): Web Interface | Playlist
Editor / Generator | Music Classification | Similar Music | Announce |
EventTrigger | LMSlib2go | ...
'Various HowTos' (https://www.nexus0.net/pub/documents/LMS/): build a
self-contained LMS | Bluetooth/ALSA | Control LMS with any device | ...
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