diode84 wrote: 
> I have burned a usb key with it. Not got past login yet. What is
> headhead. It seems quite a large distro to run on a 1.4ghz dual core
> with 2ghz ram but I will keep trying.

Apologies. Typo. Its overhead not headhead. My bad

You can refer to the installation guide here for Volumio (for reference
only) -  https://forum.volumio.org/volumio-x86-install-hdd-t5058.html

In essence- you need to create 2 usb drives. 
1st drive - any bootable usb image will do. I suggest you use the
volumio image 

2nd drive - you need to copy the img file into the 2nd usb. Do not burn
the image to the usb drive. Just copy the img file to your 2nd usb drive
will do. You’ll have to substitute the volumio image in the instruction
to dietpi image. 

Procedure in a nutshell involves:

1 - booting from the bootable drive (Suggest to use imageusb -
freeware). This also mean that you have to set the your booting order in
the pc bios

2 - copy the img file from the 2nd usb drive to your computer hdd. 

I use the Native PC for Bios/Csm image (only 147mb). Relatively small

There is a library of softwares you can install. LMS and Squeezelite are
both in the list.

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=111171

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