rustyhodge wrote: 
> TuneIn has started blocking certain radio stations in the UK. I wonder
> if this is the issue?

Not for our specific problem (fritzbox).

I noticed the following:
Requesting a sample URL
( with wget, gives the
following output:

    $ wget
  --2020-06-16 20:30:50--
  Resolving (,
  Connecting to (||:80... 
  HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
  Length: unspecified [text/xml]
  Saving to: ‘Browse.ashx?id=c428577.1’
  Browse.ashx?id=c428577.1   [ <=> ]   3.73K  --.-KB/s    in 0s
  2020-06-16 20:30:50 (77.5 MB/s) - ‘Browse.ashx?id=c428577.1’ saved [3821]

Everything seems to be in order. The details become visible when
capturing the packages:
When hardware package acceleration is *ON*, the connection is
established, the data is received and the local device acknowledges
reception and sends a *FIN ACK *request to terminate the connection. But
the server -doesnt reply-, even after four retransmissions. So the
connection is dropped after a short timeout. Wget is happy because the
data was received.
When hardware packages acceleration is *OFF*, the same happens, but now
the server -immediately -replies and the connection is closed. From the
terminal, this looks the same, because the data was received.

Now for the perl http component in LMS, the connection is only
successful if not only the data is received, but the connection is
finished appropriately. If not, it outputs an error, even when the data
was received. This means, that this error (missing FIN ACK packages
serverside) may be much more widespread, but most software tends to not
care about the rest of the connection after the data is received. I hope
to get this looked at from AVM but i would say that the source of our
problems lies within the hardware package acceleration in fritzboxes,
which messes up connection negotiation (this may very well be limited to
the servers, but it would still be an error).

Please give feedback whether disabling acceleration works for you too!

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