mherger wrote: 
> > Thanks does the NAMESORT thing work and how do i configure
> > it?
> You'll have to tag your files accordingly. See eg. 
> -- 
> Michael

Ok, I have the same issue I think. Some of my artists do not sort
correct. I noticed in the library.db that the namesort field is filled
with "VARIOUS ARTISTS" instead of its artist name in upper case. 
I probably understand your point wrong to use the artistsort and
albumartistsort fields, as a lot of my artists that dó sort correct do
not have the artistsort and albumartistsort fields filled. But for test
I have edited these and filled with artist name. 
Now after a rescan, it still sorts incorrect and when I look in the
library.db the contributors that do not sort, still have "VARIOUS
ARTISTS" in the namesort field. 
Also when I have chosen to do a clean and rescan, still the namesort
field has not changed.

What can be done to modify this specific field? Can I edit it in the db
direct, will it persist, or will a new scan overwrite and revert to old
value (or will something else break)?

Where does it even pick up this value, cause in mp3tag I see it

Regards, Huey

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