Thanks everyone.

Though the example screencap is for a "created" album (sort of a modern mix tape), the issue applies to other albums I have. But you've all given me ideas I can explore. I'll see what mp3tag can tell me. I think ** I ** may be the cause as I have a rather particular tagging scheme I want for my classical/choral/opera albums and thus I use mp3tag to impose this scheme for any newly ripped album before I add it to my LMS library (that is, I do not blindly use musicbrainz/freedb, especially for classical/choral/opera as the tags are frequently quite incorrect).

I only use the "normal" set of tags: Title, Album, Artist, Track, Disc, Year, Genre, AlbumArtist, Composer, Comment (the default set exposed by mp3tag's UI). To my knowledge I've not touched any other tag so did not think to "review" them as part of my workflow. I will now review them.



On 3/4/21 3:56 AM, Michael Herger wrote:
So that is one album of 40 tracks but each has a different cover image?
I suspect LMS thinks that because they have different covers they are
different albums.

No, the album grouping doesn't take cover into account. Covers are evaluated long after the album grouping. Check tags, in particular MusicBrainz IDs, folder, album title etc.
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