Em 07/03/2017 13:14, Alex Rousskov escreveu:
On 03/07/2017 08:40 AM, Heiler Bemerguy wrote:
I'm using squid 4.0.18

And noticed something: (iostat -x 5)

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s    rkB/s    wkB/s
avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await r_await w_await  svctm  %util
sda               0,00     0,00    0,00    0,25     0,00 28,00 224,00     0,00  
  8,00    0,00    8,00   8,00   0,20
sdc               0,00     0,00    0,00    0,00     0,00 0,00    0,00     0,00  
  0,00    0,00    0,00   0,00   0,00
sdb               0,00     0,00    0,00    0,00     0,00 0,00    0,00     0,00  
  0,00    0,00    0,00   0,00   0,00
sdd               0,00     0,00    0,00    0,00     0,00 0,00    0,00     0,00  
  0,00    0,00    0,00   0,00   0,00

No hds are being accessed, only the main (SDA) one (which logs are
saved). Btw squid is sending 80mbit/s to the network, as iftop told me.


2017/03/07 05:23:59 kid5| ERROR: worker I/O push queue for /cache4/rock 
overflow: ipcIo5.206991w9
2017/03/07 05:24:10 kid5| WARNING: communication with /cache4/rock may be too 
slow or disrupted for about 7.00s; rescued 304 out of 304 I/Os
2017/03/07 08:00:30 kid5| WARNING: abandoning 1 /cache2/rock I/Os after at 
least 7.00s timeout
2017/03/07 10:50:45 kid5| WARNING: abandoning 1 /cache2/rock I/Os after at 
least 7.00s timeout
I presume your iostat output covers 5 seconds. The cache.log output
spans 5 hours. Were there no cache disk traffic during those 5 hours? Do
those iostat 5 seconds match the timestamp of any single cache.log WARNING?

No. I used iostat to check if "right now" the hds were being accessed. A lot of minutes passed and all writes/reads remained Zero. With a 80mbit/s traffic going on, how could nothing be written nor read from disc? It's like squid stopped using the cache_dirs for some reason, then I greped the cache.log for the word 'rock", and that's what it outputted


cache_dir rock /cache2 110000 min-size=0 max-size=65536 max-swap-rate=200 
cache_dir rock /cache3 110000 min-size=65537 max-size=262144 max-swap-rate=200 
cache_dir rock /cache4 110000 min-size=262145 max-swap-rate=200 swap-timeout=500

Should I raise any values? tweak something?
Yes, but it is not yet clear what. If you suspect that your disks cannot
handle the load, decrease max-swap-rate. However, there is currently no
firm evidence that your disks cannot handle the load. It could be
something else like insufficient IPC RAM or Squid bugs.

How can I check IPC RAM? I've never tweaked it.

Any Squid kid crashes? How many Squid workers do you use?

Can you collect enough iostat 5-second outputs to correlate with
long-term cache.log messages? I would also collect other system activity
during those hours. The "atop" tool may be useful for collecting
everything in one place.
Couldn't find any crashes on the log file. 6 workers and 3 cache_dirs.
I've just noticed that squid was running since feb/18 (Start Time: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 15:38:44 GMT) and since the beginning there were a lot of warnings on cache.log.. (The logs I pasted on the earlier email was from today's usage only..)
I think since then, it stopped using the cache stores..

2017/02/18 13:48:19 kid3| ERROR: worker I/O push queue for /cache4/rock overflow: ipcIo3.9082w9 2017/02/18 13:48:42 kid4| ERROR: worker I/O push queue for /cache4/rock overflow: ipcIo4.3371w9 2017/02/18 14:06:01 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 9.97 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit 2017/02/18 14:06:34 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 21.82 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit 2017/02/18 14:06:42 kid4| WARNING: abandoning 1 /cache4/rock I/Os after at least 7.00s timeout 2017/02/18 14:06:47 kid3| WARNING: abandoning 1 /cache4/rock I/Os after at least 7.00s timeout 2017/02/18 14:06:48 kid1| WARNING: abandoning 1 /cache4/rock I/Os after at least 7.00s timeout 2017/02/18 14:06:49 kid4| WARNING: abandoning 4 /cache4/rock I/Os after at least 7.00s timeout 2017/02/18 14:06:54 kid3| WARNING: abandoning 2 /cache4/rock I/Os after at least 7.00s timeout 2017/02/18 14:07:55 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 68.64 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit 2017/02/18 14:08:03 kid5| WARNING: abandoning 511 /cache4/rock I/Os after at least 7.00s timeout 2017/02/18 14:08:47 kid2| WARNING: abandoning 20 /cache4/rock I/Os after at least 7.00s timeout 2017/02/18 14:08:51 kid3| WARNING: abandoning 41 /cache4/rock I/Os after at least 7.00s timeout 2017/02/18 14:08:54 kid1| WARNING: abandoning 41 /cache4/rock I/Os after at least 7.00s timeout 2017/02/18 15:26:35 kid5| ERROR: worker I/O push queue for /cache4/rock overflow: ipcIo5.31404w9 2017/02/18 15:29:00 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 9.92 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit 2017/02/18 15:29:13 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 8.23 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit 2017/02/18 15:29:45 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 8.86 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit 2017/02/18 15:30:06 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 7.34 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit 2017/02/18 15:30:27 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 7.65 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit 2017/02/18 15:30:48 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 8.97 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit 2017/02/18 15:31:09 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 8.52 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit 2017/02/18 15:31:22 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 10.61 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit 2017/02/18 17:19:40 kid9| WARNING: /cache4/rock delays I/O requests for 10.22 seconds to obey 200/sec rate limit

Cache information for squid:
        Hits as % of all requests:      5min: 6.4%, 60min: 6.1%
        Hits as % of bytes sent:        5min: -0.5%, 60min: 1.5%
        Memory hits as % of hit requests:       5min: 33.4%, 60min: 34.1%
*        Disk hits as % of hit requests: 5min: 0.0%, 60min: 0.0%*
        Store Disk files open:                   3
Internal Data Structures:
        117119 StoreEntries
        117119 StoreEntries with MemObjects
        280701 Hot Object Cache Items
        2788823 on-disk objects

Best Regards,

Heiler Bemerguy
Network Manager - CINBESA
55 91 98151-4894/3184-1751

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