I applied the patch to squid-5 as r15226.

The applied patch includes the latest fixes requested by Alex. The HttpRequest reference passed as parameter to the ConnStateData::pinConnection and also the RefCount class modified to assert on dereference operator when the pointer is null.

I am also attaching the patches for squid-3.5 and squid-4.
The squid-3.5 patch passes the HttpRequest::Pointer as parameter to the ConnStateData::pinConnection method.

Στις 23/06/2017 12:53 μμ, ο Christos Tsantilas έγραψε:
A new patch

Στις 21/06/2017 08:07 μμ, ο Alex Rousskov έγραψε:
On 06/21/2017 05:40 AM, Christos Tsantilas wrote: I suggest the following one or two polishing touches:

1. Merge pinConnection() and pinNewConnection() by returning from
the method if there is nothing to do, with a debugs() line printing pinServer. The merged method would be called pinConnection(), of course.

OK, done.

2. *If* the request object is actually always there, then change the pinConnection() parameter to an Http::Request reference (and change callers to dereference their request pointers).

I changed the "HttpRequest *" parameter to HttpRequest::Pointer
reference, I think this is the best.
I think currently the HttpRequest::Pointer is always not NULL, we can
add a "Must()" check if required, but HttpRequest object is not critical
for pinning operation.

* regarding the first XXX "Closing pinned conn is too harsh" - the
entire point of pinning is to make the transports on both client and server connections share their fates.

What you describe is more of a side effect rather than the "entire point". For the record, pinning has two primary goals:

1. Allow correct server connection reuse (with the pinning client). 2. Prevent incorrect server connection reuse (with other clients).

The two connections certainly "share fate" to some extent, but that fate sharing does not imply that a closure of one connection must always trigger an "immediate" closure of the other connection.

Currently when the squid-server connection is closed, we are always
closing the client-squid connection. For HTTP and FTP is not always the
best option.
On the other side if the client-squid connection closed the squid-server
side may want to continue download and store to cache an object, or may
want to cleanup and close properly with the server.

So I let this comment to the patch.
We can discuss it more when someone try to solve pinned connections
closing problems.

in src/client_side.h:

* I predict we are going to see Coverity complaints about PinnedIdleContext missing move semantics.

The Coverity should not complain about.
Can we test with Coverity before apply the patch, or can we apply and if
there are problems implement a move constructor?

- the options here are either to pass by-reference with & operator

I certainly agree that we should pass PinnedIdleContext by reference where possible. If there are places not doing that in the patch, we should change them. I do not know of such places, but I could have missed them, of course.

The ConnStateData::notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle and ConnStateData::httpsPeeked are passing by value the PinnedIdleContext.
Because they are AsyncCalls we can not do something else.

However the httpsPeeked calls notePinnedConnectionBecomeIdle (and pass PinnedIdleContext object by value).

Maybe we can move the notePinnedConnectionBecomeIdle code to a pinnedConnectionBecomeIdle(PinnedIdleContext &) method and call this method from httpsPeeked and notePinnedConnectionBecomeIdle methods.

Reduce "!Comm::MonitorsRead(serverConnection->fd)" assertions.

* Protect Squid Client classes from new requests that compete with
  ongoing pinned connection use and
* resume dealing with new requests when those Client classes are done
  using the pinned connection.

Replaced primary ConnStateData::pinConnection() calls with a pair of
pinBusyConnection() and notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle() calls,
depending on the pinned connection state ("busy" or "idle").

Removed pinConnection() parameters that were not longer used or could be computed from the remaining parameters.

Removed ConnStateData::httpsPeeked() code "hiding" the originating
request and connection peer details while entering the first "idle"
state. The old (trunk r11880.1.6) bump-server-first code used a pair of
NULLs because "Intercepted connections do not have requests at the
connection pinning stage", but that limitation no longer applicable
because Squid always fakes (when intercepting) or parses (a CONNECT)
request now, even during SslBump step1.

The added XXX and TODOs are not directly related to this fix. They
were added to document problems discovered while working on this fix.

In v3.5 code, the same problems manifest as Read.cc
"fd_table[conn->fd].halfClosedReader != NULL" assertions.

This is a Measurement Factory project

=== modified file 'src/FwdState.cc'
--- src/FwdState.cc	2017-05-07 20:16:59 +0000
+++ src/FwdState.cc	2017-06-26 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -237,41 +237,41 @@
     if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) {
         debugs(17, 3, HERE << "entry aborted");
         return ;
     if (entry->store_status == STORE_PENDING) {
         if (entry->isEmpty()) {
             if (!err) // we quit (e.g., fd closed) before an error or content
                 fail(new ErrorState(ERR_READ_ERROR, Http::scBadGateway, request));
             errorAppendEntry(entry, err);
             err = NULL;
             if (request->flags.sslPeek && request->clientConnectionManager.valid()) {
                 CallJobHere1(17, 4, request->clientConnectionManager, ConnStateData,
-                             ConnStateData::httpsPeeked, Comm::ConnectionPointer(NULL));
+                             ConnStateData::httpsPeeked, ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext(Comm::ConnectionPointer(nullptr), request));
         } else {
             EBIT_CLR(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT);
     if (storePendingNClients(entry) > 0)
         assert(!EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT));
     debugs(17, 3, "FwdState destructor start");
     if (! flags.forward_completed)
@@ -958,41 +958,41 @@
             fde * clientFde = &fd_table[clientConn->fd]; // XXX: move the fd_table access into Ip::Qos
             /* Get the netfilter mark for the connection */
             Ip::Qos::getNfmarkFromServer(serverConnection(), clientFde);
     /* Bug 2537: The TOS forward part of QOS only applies to patched Linux kernels. */
     if (Ip::Qos::TheConfig.isHitTosActive()) {
         if (Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConn)) {
             fde * clientFde = &fd_table[clientConn->fd]; // XXX: move the fd_table access into Ip::Qos
             /* Get the TOS value for the packet */
             Ip::Qos::getTosFromServer(serverConnection(), clientFde);
     if (request->flags.sslPeek) {
         CallJobHere1(17, 4, request->clientConnectionManager, ConnStateData,
-                     ConnStateData::httpsPeeked, serverConnection());
+                     ConnStateData::httpsPeeked, ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext(serverConnection(), request));
         unregister(serverConn); // async call owns it now
         complete(); // destroys us
     if (serverConnection()->getPeer() != NULL) {
         ++ serverConnection()->getPeer()->stats.fetches;
         request->peer_login = serverConnection()->getPeer()->login;
         request->peer_domain = serverConnection()->getPeer()->domain;
         request->flags.auth_no_keytab = serverConnection()->getPeer()->options.auth_no_keytab;
     } else {
         request->peer_login = NULL;
         request->peer_domain = NULL;
         request->flags.auth_no_keytab = 0;
         switch (request->url.getScheme()) {

=== modified file 'src/base/RefCount.h'
--- src/base/RefCount.h	2017-01-01 00:14:42 +0000
+++ src/base/RefCount.h	2017-06-26 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -53,45 +53,46 @@
         return *this;
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
     RefCount& operator = (RefCount&& p) {
         if (this != &p) {
             p.p_ = NULL;
         return *this;
     explicit operator bool() const { return p_; }
     bool operator !() const { return !p_; }
     C * operator-> () const {return const_cast<C *>(p_); }
-    C & operator * () const {return *const_cast<C *>(p_); }
-    C const * getRaw() const {return p_; }
+    C & operator * () const {
+        assert(p_);
+        return *const_cast<C *>(p_);
+    }
-    C * getRaw() {return const_cast<C *>(p_); }
+    C * getRaw() const { return const_cast<C *>(p_); }
     bool operator == (const RefCount& p) const {
         return p.p_ == p_;
     bool operator != (const RefCount &p) const {
         return p.p_ != p_;
     void dereference(C const *newP = NULL) {
         /* Setting p_ first is important:
         * we may be freed ourselves as a result of
         * delete p_;
         C const (*tempP_) (p_);
         p_ = newP;
         if (tempP_ && tempP_->unlock() == 0)
             delete tempP_;

=== modified file 'src/client_side.cc'
--- src/client_side.cc	2017-06-25 02:23:07 +0000
+++ src/client_side.cc	2017-06-26 09:37:33 +0000
@@ -575,40 +575,41 @@
         // Close the connection immediately with TCP RST to abort all traffic flow
     /* NOT REACHABLE */
 // cleans up before destructor is called
     debugs(33, 2, HERE << clientConnection);
     flags.readMore = false;
     clientdbEstablished(clientConnection->remote, -1);  /* decrement */
+    // XXX: Closing pinned conn is too harsh: The Client may want to continue!
     Server::swanSong(); // closes the client connection
     // NP: do this bit after closing the connections to avoid side effects from unwanted TCP RST
     setAuth(NULL, "ConnStateData::SwanSong cleanup");
     flags.swanSang = true;
 ConnStateData::isOpen() const
     return cbdataReferenceValid(this) && // XXX: checking "this" in a method
            Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection) &&
@@ -2112,40 +2113,47 @@
                                       TimeoutDialer, this, ConnStateData::requestTimeout);
     commSetConnTimeout(clientConnection, Config.Timeout.request, timeoutCall);
  * Attempt to parse one or more requests from the input buffer.
  * Returns true after completing parsing of at least one request [header]. That
  * includes cases where parsing ended with an error (e.g., a huge request).
     bool parsed_req = false;
     debugs(33, 5, HERE << clientConnection << ": attempting to parse");
     // Loop while we have read bytes that are not needed for producing the body
     // On errors, bodyPipe may become nil, but readMore will be cleared
     while (!inBuf.isEmpty() && !bodyPipe && flags.readMore) {
+        // Prohibit concurrent requests when using a pinned to-server connection
+        // because our Client classes do not support request pipelining.
+        if (pinning.pinned && !pinning.readHandler) {
+            debugs(33, 3, clientConnection << " waits for busy " << pinning.serverConnection);
+            break;
+        }
         /* Limit the number of concurrent requests */
         if (concurrentRequestQueueFilled())
         // try to parse the PROXY protocol header magic bytes
         if (needProxyProtocolHeader_) {
             if (!parseProxyProtocolHeader())
             // we have been waiting for PROXY to provide client-IP
             // for some lookups, ie rDNS and IDENT.
         if (Http::StreamPointer context = parseOneRequest()) {
             debugs(33, 5, clientConnection << ": done parsing a request");
             AsyncCall::Pointer timeoutCall = commCbCall(5, 4, "clientLifetimeTimeout",
                                              CommTimeoutCbPtrFun(clientLifetimeTimeout, context->http));
             commSetConnTimeout(clientConnection, Config.Timeout.lifetime, timeoutCall);
@@ -3313,56 +3321,52 @@
     debugs(83, 5, "Peek and splice at step2 done. Start forwarding the request!!! ");
     FwdState::Start(clientConnection, sslServerBump->entry, sslServerBump->request.getRaw(), http ? http->al : NULL);
     auto ssl = fd_table[clientConnection->fd].ssl.get();
     BIO *b = SSL_get_rbio(ssl);
     Ssl::ClientBio *bio = static_cast<Ssl::ClientBio *>(BIO_get_data(b));
     debugs(33, 5, "PeekAndSplice mode, proceed with client negotiation. Currrent state:" << SSL_state_string_long(ssl));
     Comm::SetSelect(clientConnection->fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, clientNegotiateSSL, this, 0);
     switchedToHttps_ = true;
-ConnStateData::httpsPeeked(Comm::ConnectionPointer serverConnection)
+ConnStateData::httpsPeeked(PinnedIdleContext pic)
     Must(sslServerBump != NULL);
+    Must(sslServerBump->request == pic.request);
+    Must(pipeline.empty() || pipeline.front()->http == nullptr || pipeline.front()->http->request == pic.request.getRaw());
-    if (Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection)) {
-        pinConnection(serverConnection, NULL, NULL, false);
+    if (Comm::IsConnOpen(pic.connection)) {
+        notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle(pic);
         debugs(33, 5, HERE << "bumped HTTPS server: " << sslConnectHostOrIp);
-    } else {
+    } else
         debugs(33, 5, HERE << "Error while bumping: " << sslConnectHostOrIp);
-        //  copy error detail from bump-server-first request to CONNECT request
-        if (!pipeline.empty() && pipeline.front()->http != nullptr && pipeline.front()->http->request)
-            pipeline.front()->http->request->detailError(sslServerBump->request->errType, sslServerBump->request->errDetail);
-    }
 #endif /* USE_OPENSSL */
 ConnStateData::initiateTunneledRequest(HttpRequest::Pointer const &cause, Http::MethodType const method, const char *reason, const SBuf &payload)
     // fake a CONNECT request to force connState to tunnel
     SBuf connectHost;
     unsigned short connectPort = 0;
     if (pinning.serverConnection != nullptr) {
         static char ip[MAX_IPSTRLEN];
         pinning.serverConnection->remote.toHostStr(ip, sizeof(ip));
         connectPort = pinning.serverConnection->remote.port();
     } else if (cause && cause->method == Http::METHOD_CONNECT) {
         // We are inside a (not fully established) CONNECT request
         connectHost = cause->url.host();
@@ -3877,78 +3881,89 @@
 /// Our close handler called by Comm when the pinned connection is closed
 ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &io)
     // FwdState might repin a failed connection sooner than this close
     // callback is called for the failed connection.
     assert(pinning.serverConnection == io.conn);
     pinning.closeHandler = NULL; // Comm unregisters handlers before calling
     const bool sawZeroReply = pinning.zeroReply; // reset when unpinning
     if (sawZeroReply && clientConnection != NULL) {
         debugs(33, 3, "Closing client connection on pinned zero reply.");
-ConnStateData::pinConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, HttpRequest *request, CachePeer *aPeer, bool auth, bool monitor)
+ConnStateData::pinBusyConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, const HttpRequest::Pointer &request)
-    if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(pinning.serverConnection) ||
-            pinning.serverConnection->fd != pinServer->fd)
-        pinNewConnection(pinServer, request, aPeer, auth);
+    pinConnection(pinServer, *request);
-    if (monitor)
-        startPinnedConnectionMonitoring();
+ConnStateData::notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle(PinnedIdleContext pic)
+    Must(pic.connection);
+    Must(pic.request);
+    pinConnection(pic.connection, *pic.request);
+    // monitor pinned server connection for remote-end closures.
+    startPinnedConnectionMonitoring();
+    if (pipeline.empty())
+        kick(); // in case clientParseRequests() was blocked by a busy pic.connection
+/// Forward future client requests using the given server connection.
-ConnStateData::pinNewConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, HttpRequest *request, CachePeer *aPeer, bool auth)
+ConnStateData::pinConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, const HttpRequest &request)
+    if (Comm::IsConnOpen(pinning.serverConnection) &&
+            pinning.serverConnection->fd == pinServer->fd) {
+        debugs(33, 3, "already pinned" << pinServer);
+        return;
+    }
     unpinConnection(true); // closes pinned connection, if any, and resets fields
     pinning.serverConnection = pinServer;
     debugs(33, 3, HERE << pinning.serverConnection);
     Must(pinning.serverConnection != NULL);
-    // when pinning an SSL bumped connection, the request may be NULL
     const char *pinnedHost = "[unknown]";
-    if (request) {
-        pinning.host = xstrdup(request->url.host());
-        pinning.port = request->url.port();
-        pinnedHost = pinning.host;
-    } else {
-        pinning.port = pinServer->remote.port();
-    }
+    pinning.host = xstrdup(request->url.host());
+    pinning.port = request->url.port();
+    pinnedHost = pinning.host;
     pinning.pinned = true;
-    if (aPeer)
+    if (CachePeer *aPeer = pinServer->getPeer())
         pinning.peer = cbdataReference(aPeer);
-    pinning.auth = auth;
+    pinning.auth = request->flags.connectionAuth;
     char stmp[MAX_IPSTRLEN];
     char desc[FD_DESC_SZ];
     snprintf(desc, FD_DESC_SZ, "%s pinned connection for %s (%d)",
-             (auth || !aPeer) ? pinnedHost : aPeer->name,
+             (pinning.auth || !pinning.peer) ? pinnedHost : pinning.peer->name,
     fd_note(pinning.serverConnection->fd, desc);
     typedef CommCbMemFunT<ConnStateData, CommCloseCbParams> Dialer;
     pinning.closeHandler = JobCallback(33, 5,
                                        Dialer, this, ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionClosed);
     // remember the pinned connection so that cb does not unpin a fresher one
     typedef CommCloseCbParams Params;
     Params &params = GetCommParams<Params>(pinning.closeHandler);
     params.conn = pinning.serverConnection;
     comm_add_close_handler(pinning.serverConnection->fd, pinning.closeHandler);
 /// [re]start monitoring pinned connection for peer closures so that we can
 /// propagate them to an _idle_ client pinned to that peer
     if (pinning.readHandler != NULL)
@@ -4113,37 +4128,43 @@
     // a request currently using this connection is responsible for logging
     if (!pipeline.empty() && pipeline.back()->mayUseConnection())
     /* Either we are waiting for the very first transaction, or
      * we are done with the Nth transaction and are waiting for N+1st.
      * XXX: We assume that if anything was added to inBuf, then it could
      * only be consumed by actions already covered by the above checks.
     // do not log connections that closed after a transaction (it is normal)
     // TODO: access_log needs ACLs to match received-no-bytes connections
     if (pipeline.nrequests && inBuf.isEmpty())
     /* Create a temporary ClientHttpRequest object. Its destructor will log. */
     ClientHttpRequest http(this);
     http.req_sz = inBuf.length();
+    // XXX: Or we died while waiting for the pinned connection to become idle.
     char const *uri = "error:transaction-end-before-headers";
     http.uri = xstrdup(uri);
     setLogUri(&http, uri);
     return Config.accessList.on_unsupported_protocol
            ((port->flags.isIntercepted() && port->flags.tunnelSslBumping)
             || (serverBump() && pinning.serverConnection))
+std::ostream &
+operator <<(std::ostream &os, const ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext &pic)
+    return os << pic.connection << ", request=" << pic.request;

=== modified file 'src/client_side.h'
--- src/client_side.h	2017-06-25 02:23:07 +0000
+++ src/client_side.h	2017-06-26 09:37:51 +0000
@@ -11,40 +11,42 @@
 #include "base/RunnersRegistry.h"
 #include "clientStreamForward.h"
 #include "comm.h"
 #include "helper/forward.h"
 #include "http/forward.h"
 #include "HttpControlMsg.h"
 #include "ipc/FdNotes.h"
 #include "sbuf/SBuf.h"
 #include "servers/Server.h"
 #include "auth/UserRequest.h"
 #include "security/Handshake.h"
 #include "ssl/support.h"
+#include <iosfwd>
 class ClientHttpRequest;
 class HttpHdrRangeSpec;
 class MasterXaction;
 typedef RefCount<MasterXaction> MasterXactionPointer;
 namespace Ssl
 class ServerBump;
  * Legacy Server code managing a connection to a client.
  * NP: presents AsyncJob API but does not operate autonomously as a Job.
  *     So Must() is not safe to use.
  * Multiple requests (up to pipeline_prefetch) can be pipelined.
@@ -141,43 +143,55 @@
     bool transparent() const;
     /// true if we stopped receiving the request
     const char *stoppedReceiving() const { return stoppedReceiving_; }
     /// true if we stopped sending the response
     const char *stoppedSending() const { return stoppedSending_; }
     /// note request receiving error and close as soon as we write the response
     void stopReceiving(const char *error);
     /// note response sending error and close as soon as we read the request
     void stopSending(const char *error);
     void expectNoForwarding(); ///< cleans up virgin request [body] forwarding state
     /* BodyPipe API */
     BodyPipe::Pointer expectRequestBody(int64_t size);
     virtual void noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable(BodyPipe::Pointer) = 0;
     virtual void noteBodyConsumerAborted(BodyPipe::Pointer) = 0;
     bool handleRequestBodyData();
-    /// Forward future client requests using the given server connection.
-    /// Optionally, monitor pinned server connection for remote-end closures.
-    void pinConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServerConn, HttpRequest *request, CachePeer *peer, bool auth, bool monitor = true);
+    /// parameters for the async notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle() call
+    class PinnedIdleContext
+    {
+    public:
+        PinnedIdleContext(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const HttpRequest::Pointer &req): connection(conn), request(req) {}
+        Comm::ConnectionPointer connection; ///< to-server connection to be pinned
+        HttpRequest::Pointer request; ///< to-server request that initiated serverConnection
+    };
+    /// Called when a pinned connection becomes available for forwarding the next request.
+    void notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle(PinnedIdleContext pic);
+    /// Forward future client requests using the given to-server connection.
+    /// The connection is still being used by the current client request.
+    void pinBusyConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServerConn, const HttpRequest::Pointer &request);
     /// Undo pinConnection() and, optionally, close the pinned connection.
     void unpinConnection(const bool andClose);
     /// Returns validated pinnned server connection (and stops its monitoring).
     Comm::ConnectionPointer borrowPinnedConnection(HttpRequest *request, const CachePeer *aPeer);
      * Checks if there is pinning info if it is valid. It can close the server side connection
      * if pinned info is not valid.
      \param request   if it is not NULL also checks if the pinning info refers to the request client side HttpRequest
      \param CachePeer      if it is not NULL also check if the CachePeer is the pinning CachePeer
      \return          The details of the server side connection (may be closed if failures were present).
     const Comm::ConnectionPointer validatePinnedConnection(HttpRequest *request, const CachePeer *peer);
      * returts the pinned CachePeer if exists, NULL otherwise
     CachePeer *pinnedPeer() const {return pinning.peer;}
     bool pinnedAuth() const {return pinning.auth;}
     /// called just before a FwdState-dispatched job starts using connection
     virtual void notePeerConnection(Comm::ConnectionPointer) {}
@@ -197,41 +211,41 @@
     /// Changes state so that we close the connection and quit after serving
     /// the client-side-detected error response instead of getting stuck.
     void quitAfterError(HttpRequest *request); // meant to be private
     /// The caller assumes responsibility for connection closure detection.
     void stopPinnedConnectionMonitoring();
     /// the second part of old httpsAccept, waiting for future HttpsServer home
     void postHttpsAccept();
     /// Initializes and starts a peek-and-splice negotiation with the SSL client
     void startPeekAndSplice();
     /// Called when a peek-and-splice step finished. For example after
     /// server SSL certificates received and fake server SSL certificates
     /// generated
     void doPeekAndSpliceStep();
     /// called by FwdState when it is done bumping the server
-    void httpsPeeked(Comm::ConnectionPointer serverConnection);
+    void httpsPeeked(PinnedIdleContext pic);
     /// Splice a bumped client connection on peek-and-splice mode
     bool splice();
     /// Start to create dynamic Security::ContextPointer for host or uses static port SSL context.
     void getSslContextStart();
      * Done create dynamic ssl certificate.
      * \param[in] isNew if generated certificate is new, so we need to add this certificate to storage.
     void getSslContextDone(Security::ContextPointer &, bool isNew = false);
     /// Callback function. It is called when squid receive message from ssl_crtd.
     static void sslCrtdHandleReplyWrapper(void *data, const Helper::Reply &reply);
     /// Proccess response from ssl_crtd.
     void sslCrtdHandleReply(const Helper::Reply &reply);
     void switchToHttps(HttpRequest *request, Ssl::BumpMode bumpServerMode);
     void parseTlsHandshake();
     bool switchedToHttps() const { return switchedToHttps_; }
@@ -329,41 +343,41 @@
     /// returning N allows a pipeline of 1+N requests (see pipeline_prefetch)
     virtual int pipelinePrefetchMax() const;
     /// timeout to use when waiting for the next request
     virtual time_t idleTimeout() const = 0;
     /// Perform client data lookups that depend on client src-IP.
     /// The PROXY protocol may require some data input first.
     void whenClientIpKnown();
     BodyPipe::Pointer bodyPipe; ///< set when we are reading request body
     /* ::Server API */
     virtual bool connFinishedWithConn(int size);
     virtual void checkLogging();
     void clientAfterReadingRequests();
     bool concurrentRequestQueueFilled() const;
-    void pinNewConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, HttpRequest *request, CachePeer *aPeer, bool auth);
+    void pinConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServerConn, const HttpRequest &request);
     /* PROXY protocol functionality */
     bool proxyProtocolValidateClient();
     bool parseProxyProtocolHeader();
     bool parseProxy1p0();
     bool parseProxy2p0();
     bool proxyProtocolError(const char *reason);
     /// whether PROXY protocol header is still expected
     bool needProxyProtocolHeader_;
     /// some user details that can be used to perform authentication on this connection
     Auth::UserRequest::Pointer auth_;
     /// the parser state for current HTTP/1.x input buffer processing
     Http1::RequestParserPointer parser_;
@@ -408,22 +422,24 @@
 void clientSetKeepaliveFlag(ClientHttpRequest *http);
 /// append a "part" HTTP header (as in a multi-part/range reply) to the buffer
 void clientPackRangeHdr(const HttpReply *, const HttpHdrRangeSpec *, String boundary, MemBuf *);
 /// put terminating boundary for multiparts to the buffer
 void clientPackTermBound(String boundary, MemBuf *);
 /* misplaced declaratrions of Stream callbacks provided/used by client side */
 SQUIDCEXTERN CSR clientGetMoreData;
 SQUIDCEXTERN CSS clientReplyStatus;
 SQUIDCEXTERN CSD clientReplyDetach;
 CSCB clientSocketRecipient;
 CSD clientSocketDetach;
 /* TODO: Move to HttpServer. Warning: Move requires large code nonchanges! */
 Http::Stream *parseHttpRequest(ConnStateData *, const Http1::RequestParserPointer &);
 void clientProcessRequest(ConnStateData *, const Http1::RequestParserPointer &, Http::Stream *);
 void clientPostHttpsAccept(ConnStateData *);
+std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext &pic);
 #endif /* SQUID_CLIENTSIDE_H */

=== modified file 'src/clients/FtpRelay.cc'
--- src/clients/FtpRelay.cc	2017-01-01 00:14:42 +0000
+++ src/clients/FtpRelay.cc	2017-06-26 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -194,43 +194,44 @@
 /// Keep control connection for future requests, after we are done with it.
 /// Similar to COMPLETE_PERSISTENT_MSG handling in http.cc.
     CbcPointer<ConnStateData> &mgr = fwd->request->clientConnectionManager;
     if (mgr.valid()) {
         if (Comm::IsConnOpen(ctrl.conn)) {
             debugs(9, 7, "completing FTP server " << ctrl.conn <<
                    " after " << ctrl.replycode);
             if (ctrl.replycode == 221) { // Server sends FTP 221 before closing
             } else {
-                mgr->pinConnection(ctrl.conn, fwd->request,
-                                   ctrl.conn->getPeer(),
-                                   fwd->request->flags.connectionAuth);
+                CallJobHere1(9, 4, mgr,
+                             ConnStateData,
+                             notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle,
+                             ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext(ctrl.conn, fwd->request));
 /// Safely returns the master state,
 /// with safety checks in case the Ftp::Server side of the master xact is gone.
 Ftp::MasterState &
     CbcPointer<ConnStateData> &mgr = fwd->request->clientConnectionManager;
     if (mgr.valid()) {
         if (Ftp::Server *srv = dynamic_cast<Ftp::Server*>(mgr.get()))
             return *srv->master;
     // this code will not be necessary once the master is inside MasterXaction
     debugs(9, 3, "our server side is gone: " << mgr);
     static Ftp::MasterState Master;

=== modified file 'src/http.cc'
--- src/http.cc	2017-06-14 20:23:01 +0000
+++ src/http.cc	2017-06-26 09:11:59 +0000
@@ -1377,43 +1377,40 @@
     addVirginReplyBody(data, len);
     if (doneParsing) {
         lastChunk = 1;
         flags.do_next_read = false;
     return wasThereAnException;
  * processReplyBody has two purposes:
  *  1 - take the reply body data, if any, and put it into either
  *      the StoreEntry, or give it over to ICAP.
  *  2 - see if we made it to the end of the response (persistent
  *      connections and such)
-    Ip::Address client_addr;
-    bool ispinned = false;
     if (!flags.headers_parsed) {
         flags.do_next_read = true;
     debugs(11,5, HERE << "adaptationAccessCheckPending=" << adaptationAccessCheckPending);
     if (adaptationAccessCheckPending)
      * At this point the reply headers have been parsed and consumed.
      * That means header content has been removed from readBuf and
      * it contains only body data.
     if (entry->isAccepting()) {
         if (flags.chunked) {
@@ -1432,69 +1429,83 @@
         // TODO: In some cases (e.g., 304), we should keep persistent conn open.
         // Detect end-of-reply (and, hence, pool our idle pconn) earlier (ASAP).
         abortTransaction("store entry aborted while storing reply");
     } else
         switch (persistentConnStatus()) {
         case INCOMPLETE_MSG: {
             debugs(11, 5, "processReplyBody: INCOMPLETE_MSG from " << serverConnection);
             /* Wait for more data or EOF condition */
             AsyncCall::Pointer nil;
             if (flags.keepalive_broken) {
                 commSetConnTimeout(serverConnection, 10, nil);
             } else {
                 commSetConnTimeout(serverConnection, Config.Timeout.read, nil);
             flags.do_next_read = true;
             debugs(11, 5, "processReplyBody: COMPLETE_PERSISTENT_MSG from " << serverConnection);
-            /* yes we have to clear all these! */
+            // TODO: Remove serverConnectionSaved but preserve exception safety.
             flags.do_next_read = false;
             comm_remove_close_handler(serverConnection->fd, closeHandler);
             closeHandler = NULL;
-            fwd->unregister(serverConnection);
+            Ip::Address client_addr; // XXX: Remove as unused. Why was it added?
             if (request->flags.spoofClientIp)
                 client_addr = request->client_addr;
+            auto serverConnectionSaved = serverConnection;
+            fwd->unregister(serverConnection);
+            serverConnection = nullptr;
+            bool ispinned = false; // TODO: Rename to isOrShouldBePinned
             if (request->flags.pinned) {
                 ispinned = true;
             } else if (request->flags.connectionAuth && request->flags.authSent) {
                 ispinned = true;
-            if (ispinned && request->clientConnectionManager.valid()) {
-                request->clientConnectionManager->pinConnection(serverConnection, request, _peer,
-                        (request->flags.connectionAuth));
+            if (ispinned) {
+                if (request->clientConnectionManager.valid()) {
+                    CallJobHere1(11, 4, request->clientConnectionManager,
+                                 ConnStateData,
+                                 notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle,
+                                 ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext(serverConnectionSaved, request));
+                } else {
+                    // must not pool/share ispinned connections, even orphaned ones
+                    serverConnectionSaved->close();
+                }
             } else {
-                fwd->pconnPush(serverConnection, request->url.host());
+                fwd->pconnPush(serverConnectionSaved, request->url.host());
-            serverConnection = NULL;
+        }
             debugs(11, 5, "processReplyBody: COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG from " << serverConnection);
 HttpStateData::mayReadVirginReplyBody() const
     // TODO: Be more precise here. For example, if/when reading trailer, we may
     // not be doneWithServer() yet, but we should return false. Similarly, we
     // could still be writing the request body after receiving the whole reply.
     return !doneWithServer();

=== modified file 'src/servers/FtpServer.cc'
--- src/servers/FtpServer.cc	2017-06-25 02:23:07 +0000
+++ src/servers/FtpServer.cc	2017-06-26 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -286,46 +286,42 @@
     for (AnyP::PortCfgPointer s = FtpPortList; s != NULL; s = s->next) {
         if (s->listenConn != NULL) {
             debugs(1, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Closing FTP port " << s->listenConn->local);
             s->listenConn = NULL;
 Ftp::Server::notePeerConnection(Comm::ConnectionPointer conn)
     // find request
     Http::StreamPointer context = pipeline.front();
     Must(context != nullptr);
     ClientHttpRequest *const http = context->http;
     Must(http != NULL);
     HttpRequest *const request = http->request;
     Must(request != NULL);
-    // this is not an idle connection, so we do not want I/O monitoring
-    const bool monitor = false;
     // make FTP peer connection exclusive to our request
-    pinConnection(conn, request, conn->getPeer(), false, monitor);
+    pinBusyConnection(conn, request);
 Ftp::Server::clientPinnedConnectionClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &io)
     // TODO: Keep the control connection open after fixing the reset
     // problem below
     if (Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection))
     // TODO: If the server control connection is gone, reset state to login
     // again. Reseting login alone is not enough: FtpRelay::sendCommand() will
     // not re-login because FtpRelay::serverState() is not going to be
     // fssConnected. Calling resetLogin() alone is also harmful because
     // it does not reset correctly the client-to-squid control connection (eg
     // respond if required with an error code, in all cases)
     // resetLogin("control connection closure");

=== modified file 'src/tests/stub_client_side.cc'
--- src/tests/stub_client_side.cc	2017-01-01 00:14:42 +0000
+++ src/tests/stub_client_side.cc	2017-06-26 09:05:24 +0000
@@ -14,48 +14,49 @@
 #include "tests/STUB.h"
 #include "client_side.h"
 bool ConnStateData::clientParseRequests() STUB_RETVAL(false)
 void ConnStateData::readNextRequest() STUB
 bool ConnStateData::isOpen() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
 void ConnStateData::kick() STUB
 void ConnStateData::sendControlMsg(HttpControlMsg) STUB
 int64_t ConnStateData::mayNeedToReadMoreBody() const STUB_RETVAL(0)
 void ConnStateData::setAuth(const Auth::UserRequest::Pointer &, const char *) STUB
 bool ConnStateData::transparent() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
 void ConnStateData::stopReceiving(const char *) STUB
 void ConnStateData::stopSending(const char *) STUB
 void ConnStateData::expectNoForwarding() STUB
 void ConnStateData::noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable(BodyPipe::Pointer) STUB
 void ConnStateData::noteBodyConsumerAborted(BodyPipe::Pointer) STUB
 bool ConnStateData::handleReadData() STUB_RETVAL(false)
 bool ConnStateData::handleRequestBodyData() STUB_RETVAL(false)
-void ConnStateData::pinConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, HttpRequest *, CachePeer *, bool, bool) STUB
+void ConnStateData::pinBusyConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, const HttpRequest::Pointer &) STUB
+void ConnStateData::notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle(PinnedIdleContext) STUB
 void ConnStateData::unpinConnection(const bool) STUB
 const Comm::ConnectionPointer ConnStateData::validatePinnedConnection(HttpRequest *, const CachePeer *) STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
 void ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &) STUB
 void ConnStateData::connStateClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &) STUB
 void ConnStateData::requestTimeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &) STUB
 void ConnStateData::swanSong() STUB
 void ConnStateData::quitAfterError(HttpRequest *) STUB
-void ConnStateData::httpsPeeked(Comm::ConnectionPointer) STUB
+void ConnStateData::httpsPeeked(PinnedIdleContext) STUB
 void ConnStateData::getSslContextStart() STUB
 void ConnStateData::getSslContextDone(Security::ContextPointer &, bool) STUB
 void ConnStateData::sslCrtdHandleReplyWrapper(void *, const Helper::Reply &) STUB
 void ConnStateData::sslCrtdHandleReply(const Helper::Reply &) STUB
 void ConnStateData::switchToHttps(HttpRequest *, Ssl::BumpMode) STUB
 void ConnStateData::buildSslCertGenerationParams(Ssl::CertificateProperties &) STUB
 bool ConnStateData::serveDelayedError(Http::Stream *) STUB_RETVAL(false)
 void setLogUri(ClientHttpRequest *, char const *, bool) STUB
 const char *findTrailingHTTPVersion(const char *, const char *) STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
 int varyEvaluateMatch(StoreEntry *, HttpRequest *) STUB_RETVAL(0)
 void clientOpenListenSockets(void) STUB
 void clientHttpConnectionsClose(void) STUB
 void httpRequestFree(void *) STUB
 void clientPackRangeHdr(const HttpReply *, const HttpHdrRangeSpec *, String, MemBuf *) STUB
 void clientPackTermBound(String, MemBuf *) STUB

Reduce "!Comm::MonitorsRead(serverConnection->fd)" assertions.

* Protect Squid Client classes from new requests that compete with
  ongoing pinned connection use and
* resume dealing with new requests when those Client classes are done
  using the pinned connection.

Replaced primary ConnStateData::pinConnection() calls with a pair of
pinBusyConnection() and notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle() calls,
depending on the pinned connection state ("busy" or "idle").

Removed pinConnection() parameters that were not longer used or could be computed from the remaining parameters.

Removed ConnStateData::httpsPeeked() code "hiding" the originating
request and connection peer details while entering the first "idle"
state. The old (trunk r11880.1.6) bump-server-first code used a pair of
NULLs because "Intercepted connections do not have requests at the
connection pinning stage", but that limitation no longer applicable
because Squid always fakes (when intercepting) or parses (a CONNECT)
request now, even during SslBump step1.

The added XXX and TODOs are not directly related to this fix. They
were added to document problems discovered while working on this fix.

In v3.5 code, the same problems manifest as Read.cc
"fd_table[conn->fd].halfClosedReader != NULL" assertions.

This is a Measurement Factory project

=== modified file 'src/FwdState.cc'
--- src/FwdState.cc	2017-01-01 00:16:45 +0000
+++ src/FwdState.cc	2017-06-26 09:50:01 +0000
@@ -229,41 +229,41 @@
     if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) {
         debugs(17, 3, HERE << "entry aborted");
         return ;
     if (entry->store_status == STORE_PENDING) {
         if (entry->isEmpty()) {
             if (!err) // we quit (e.g., fd closed) before an error or content
                 fail(new ErrorState(ERR_READ_ERROR, Http::scBadGateway, request));
             errorAppendEntry(entry, err);
             err = NULL;
             if (request->flags.sslPeek && request->clientConnectionManager.valid()) {
                 CallJobHere1(17, 4, request->clientConnectionManager, ConnStateData,
-                             ConnStateData::httpsPeeked, Comm::ConnectionPointer(NULL));
+                             ConnStateData::httpsPeeked, ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext(Comm::ConnectionPointer(nullptr), request));
         } else {
             EBIT_CLR(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT);
     if (storePendingNClients(entry) > 0)
         assert(!EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT));
     debugs(17, 3, HERE << "FwdState destructor starting");
     if (! flags.forward_completed)
@@ -935,41 +935,41 @@
             fde * clientFde = &fd_table[clientConn->fd]; // XXX: move the fd_table access into Ip::Qos
             /* Get the netfilter mark for the connection */
             Ip::Qos::getNfmarkFromServer(serverConnection(), clientFde);
     /* Bug 2537: The TOS forward part of QOS only applies to patched Linux kernels. */
     if (Ip::Qos::TheConfig.isHitTosActive()) {
         if (Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConn)) {
             fde * clientFde = &fd_table[clientConn->fd]; // XXX: move the fd_table access into Ip::Qos
             /* Get the TOS value for the packet */
             Ip::Qos::getTosFromServer(serverConnection(), clientFde);
     if (request->flags.sslPeek) {
         CallJobHere1(17, 4, request->clientConnectionManager, ConnStateData,
-                     ConnStateData::httpsPeeked, serverConnection());
+                     ConnStateData::httpsPeeked, ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext(serverConnection(), request));
         unregister(serverConn); // async call owns it now
         complete(); // destroys us
     if (serverConnection()->getPeer() != NULL) {
         ++ serverConnection()->getPeer()->stats.fetches;
         request->peer_login = serverConnection()->getPeer()->login;
         request->peer_domain = serverConnection()->getPeer()->domain;
     } else {
         request->peer_login = NULL;
         request->peer_domain = NULL;
         switch (request->url.getScheme()) {
         case AnyP::PROTO_HTTPS:

=== modified file 'src/base/RefCount.h'
--- src/base/RefCount.h	2017-01-01 00:16:45 +0000
+++ src/base/RefCount.h	2017-06-26 14:27:30 +0000
@@ -37,43 +37,41 @@
     RefCount (const RefCount &p) : p_(p.p_) {
         reference (p);
     RefCount& operator = (const RefCount& p) {
         // This preserves semantics on self assignment
         C const *newP_ = p.p_;
         return *this;
     bool operator !() const { return !p_; }
     C * operator-> () const {return const_cast<C *>(p_); }
     C & operator * () const {return *const_cast<C *>(p_); }
-    C const * getRaw() const {return p_; }
-    C * getRaw() {return const_cast<C *>(p_); }
+    C * getRaw() const { return const_cast<C *>(p_); }
     bool operator == (const RefCount& p) const {
         return p.p_ == p_;
     bool operator != (const RefCount &p) const {
         return p.p_ != p_;
     void dereference(C const *newP = NULL) {
         /* Setting p_ first is important:
         * we may be freed ourselves as a result of
         * delete p_;
         C const (*tempP_) (p_);
         p_ = newP;
         if (tempP_ && tempP_->unlock() == 0)
             delete tempP_;

=== modified file 'src/client_side.cc'
--- src/client_side.cc	2017-05-29 13:15:55 +0000
+++ src/client_side.cc	2017-06-26 10:26:39 +0000
@@ -819,40 +819,41 @@
         // Close the connection immediately with TCP RST to abort all traffic flow
     /* NOT REACHABLE */
 // cleans up before destructor is called
     debugs(33, 2, HERE << clientConnection);
     flags.readMore = false;
     clientdbEstablished(clientConnection->remote, -1);  /* decrement */
+    // XXX: Closing pinned conn is too harsh: The Client may want to continue!
     if (Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection))
     // NP: do this bit after closing the connections to avoid side effects from unwanted TCP RST
     setAuth(NULL, "ConnStateData::SwanSong cleanup");
     flags.swanSang = true;
 ConnStateData::isOpen() const
     return cbdataReferenceValid(this) && // XXX: checking "this" in a method
            Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection) &&
@@ -1542,40 +1543,47 @@
         /** defer now. */
     /** otherwise, the request is still active in a callbacksomewhere,
      * and we are done
 /// called when we have successfully finished writing the response
     ConnStateData * conn = http->getConn();
     debugs(33, 3, HERE << "ConnnStateData(" << conn->clientConnection << "), Context(" << clientConnection << ")");
+    conn->kick();
+    ConnStateData * conn = this; // XXX: Remove this diff minimization hack
     if (conn->pinning.pinned && !Comm::IsConnOpen(conn->pinning.serverConnection)) {
         debugs(33, 2, HERE << conn->clientConnection << " Connection was pinned but server side gone. Terminating client connection");
     /** \par
      * We are done with the response, and we are either still receiving request
      * body (early response!) or have already stopped receiving anything.
      * If we are still receiving, then clientParseRequest() below will fail.
      * (XXX: but then we will call readNextRequest() which may succeed and
      * execute a smuggled request as we are not done with the current request).
      * If we stopped because we got everything, then try the next request.
      * If we stopped receiving because of an error, then close now to avoid
      * getting stuck and to prevent accidental request smuggling.
@@ -3223,40 +3231,47 @@
  * Attempt to parse one or more requests from the input buffer.
  * Returns true after completing parsing of at least one request [header]. That
  * includes cases where parsing ended with an error (e.g., a huge request).
     bool parsed_req = false;
     debugs(33, 5, HERE << clientConnection << ": attempting to parse");
     // Loop while we have read bytes that are not needed for producing the body
     // On errors, bodyPipe may become nil, but readMore will be cleared
     while (!in.buf.isEmpty() && !bodyPipe && flags.readMore) {
         /* Don't try to parse if the buffer is empty */
         if (in.buf.isEmpty())
+        // Prohibit concurrent requests when using a pinned to-server connection
+        // because our Client classes do not support request pipelining.
+        if (pinning.pinned && !pinning.readHandler) {
+            debugs(33, 3, clientConnection << " waits for busy " << pinning.serverConnection);
+            break;
+        }
         /* Limit the number of concurrent requests */
         if (concurrentRequestQueueFilled())
         // try to parse the PROXY protocol header magic bytes
         if (needProxyProtocolHeader_ && !parseProxyProtocolHeader())
         Http::ProtocolVersion http_ver;
         if (ClientSocketContext *context = parseOneRequest(http_ver)) {
             debugs(33, 5, clientConnection << ": done parsing a request");
             AsyncCall::Pointer timeoutCall = commCbCall(5, 4, "clientLifetimeTimeout",
                                              CommTimeoutCbPtrFun(clientLifetimeTimeout, context->http));
             commSetConnTimeout(clientConnection, Config.Timeout.lifetime, timeoutCall);
             processParsedRequest(context, http_ver);
             parsed_req = true; // XXX: do we really need to parse everything right NOW ?
@@ -4417,56 +4432,53 @@
     FwdState::fwdStart(clientConnection, sslServerBump->entry, sslServerBump->request.getRaw());
     SSL *ssl = fd_table[clientConnection->fd].ssl;
     BIO *b = SSL_get_rbio(ssl);
     Ssl::ClientBio *bio = static_cast<Ssl::ClientBio *>(b->ptr);
     debugs(33, 5, "PeekAndSplice mode, proceed with client negotiation. Currrent state:" << SSL_state_string_long(ssl));
     Comm::SetSelect(clientConnection->fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, clientNegotiateSSL, this, 0);
     switchedToHttps_ = true;
-ConnStateData::httpsPeeked(Comm::ConnectionPointer serverConnection)
+ConnStateData::httpsPeeked(PinnedIdleContext pic)
     Must(sslServerBump != NULL);
+    Must(sslServerBump->request == pic.request);
+    Must(currentobject == NULL || currentobject->http == NULL || currentobject->http->request == pic.request.getRaw());
-    if (Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection)) {
-        pinConnection(serverConnection, NULL, NULL, false);
+    if (Comm::IsConnOpen(pic.connection)) {
+        notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle(pic);
         debugs(33, 5, HERE << "bumped HTTPS server: " << sslConnectHostOrIp);
-    } else {
+    } else
         debugs(33, 5, HERE << "Error while bumping: " << sslConnectHostOrIp);
-        //  copy error detail from bump-server-first request to CONNECT request
-        if (currentobject != NULL && currentobject->http != NULL && currentobject->http->request)
-            currentobject->http->request->detailError(sslServerBump->request->errType, sslServerBump->request->errDetail);
-    }
 #endif /* USE_OPENSSL */
 ConnStateData::fakeAConnectRequest(const char *reason, const SBuf &payload)
     // fake a CONNECT request to force connState to tunnel
     SBuf connectHost;
     if (serverBump() && !serverBump()->clientSni.isEmpty()) {
         if (clientConnection->local.port() > 0)
     } else
         static char ip[MAX_IPSTRLEN];
         connectHost.assign(clientConnection->local.toUrl(ip, sizeof(ip)));
@@ -4935,78 +4947,92 @@
 /// Our close handler called by Comm when the pinned connection is closed
 ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &io)
     // FwdState might repin a failed connection sooner than this close
     // callback is called for the failed connection.
     assert(pinning.serverConnection == io.conn);
     pinning.closeHandler = NULL; // Comm unregisters handlers before calling
     const bool sawZeroReply = pinning.zeroReply; // reset when unpinning
     if (sawZeroReply && clientConnection != NULL) {
         debugs(33, 3, "Closing client connection on pinned zero reply.");
-ConnStateData::pinConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, HttpRequest *request, CachePeer *aPeer, bool auth, bool monitor)
+ConnStateData::pinBusyConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, const HttpRequest::Pointer &request)
-    if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(pinning.serverConnection) ||
-            pinning.serverConnection->fd != pinServer->fd)
-        pinNewConnection(pinServer, request, aPeer, auth);
+    pinConnection(pinServer, request);
-    if (monitor)
-        startPinnedConnectionMonitoring();
+ConnStateData::notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle(PinnedIdleContext pic)
+    Must(pic.connection != NULL);
+    Must(pic.request != NULL);
+    pinConnection(pic.connection, pic.request);
+    // monitor pinned server connection for remote-end closures.
+    startPinnedConnectionMonitoring();
+    if (!currentobject)
+        kick(); // in case clientParseRequests() was blocked by a busy pic.connection
+/// Forward future client requests using the given server connection.
-ConnStateData::pinNewConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, HttpRequest *request, CachePeer *aPeer, bool auth)
+ConnStateData::pinConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, const HttpRequest::Pointer &request)
+    if (Comm::IsConnOpen(pinning.serverConnection) &&
+            pinning.serverConnection->fd == pinServer->fd) {
+        debugs(33, 3, "already pinned" << pinServer);
+        return;
+    }
     unpinConnection(true); // closes pinned connection, if any, and resets fields
     pinning.serverConnection = pinServer;
     debugs(33, 3, HERE << pinning.serverConnection);
     Must(pinning.serverConnection != NULL);
-    // when pinning an SSL bumped connection, the request may be NULL
     const char *pinnedHost = "[unknown]";
-    if (request) {
+    if (request != NULL) {
         pinning.host = xstrdup(request->GetHost());
         pinning.port = request->port;
         pinnedHost = pinning.host;
+        pinning.auth = request->flags.connectionAuth;
     } else {
         pinning.port = pinServer->remote.port();
     pinning.pinned = true;
-    if (aPeer)
-        pinning.peer = cbdataReference(aPeer);
-    pinning.auth = auth;
+    pinning.peer = cbdataReference(pinServer->getPeer());
     char stmp[MAX_IPSTRLEN];
     char desc[FD_DESC_SZ];
     snprintf(desc, FD_DESC_SZ, "%s pinned connection for %s (%d)",
-             (auth || !aPeer) ? pinnedHost : aPeer->name,
+             (pinning.auth || !pinning.peer) ? pinnedHost : pinning.peer->name,
     fd_note(pinning.serverConnection->fd, desc);
     typedef CommCbMemFunT<ConnStateData, CommCloseCbParams> Dialer;
     pinning.closeHandler = JobCallback(33, 5,
                                        Dialer, this, ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionClosed);
     // remember the pinned connection so that cb does not unpin a fresher one
     typedef CommCloseCbParams Params;
     Params &params = GetCommParams<Params>(pinning.closeHandler);
     params.conn = pinning.serverConnection;
     comm_add_close_handler(pinning.serverConnection->fd, pinning.closeHandler);
 /// [re]start monitoring pinned connection for peer closures so that we can
 /// propagate them to an _idle_ client pinned to that peer
     if (pinning.readHandler != NULL)
@@ -5147,20 +5173,25 @@
             comm_remove_close_handler(pinning.serverConnection->fd, pinning.closeHandler);
             pinning.closeHandler = NULL;
         // close the server side socket if requested
         if (andClose)
         pinning.serverConnection = NULL;
     pinning.zeroReply = false;
     /* NOTE: pinning.pinned should be kept. This combined with fd == -1 at the end of a request indicates that the host
      * connection has gone away */
+std::ostream &
+operator <<(std::ostream &os, const ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext &pic)
+    return os << pic.connection << ", request=" << pic.request;

=== modified file 'src/client_side.h'
--- src/client_side.h	2017-01-01 00:16:45 +0000
+++ src/client_side.h	2017-06-26 10:29:12 +0000
@@ -9,40 +9,42 @@
 /* DEBUG: section 33    Client-side Routines */
 #include "base/RunnersRegistry.h"
 #include "clientStreamForward.h"
 #include "comm.h"
 #include "helper/forward.h"
 #include "HttpControlMsg.h"
 #include "HttpParser.h"
 #include "ipc/FdNotes.h"
 #include "SBuf.h"
 #include "auth/UserRequest.h"
 #include "ssl/support.h"
+#include <iosfwd>
 class ConnStateData;
 class ClientHttpRequest;
 class clientStreamNode;
 class ChunkedCodingParser;
 namespace AnyP
 class PortCfg;
 } // namespace Anyp
  * Badly named.
  * This is in fact the processing context for a single HTTP request.
  * Managing what has been done, and what happens next to the data buffer
  * holding what we hope is an HTTP request.
  * Parsing is still a mess of global functions done in conjunction with the
  * real socket controller which generated ClientHttpRequest.
  * It also generates one of us and passes us control from there based on
  * the results of the parse.
@@ -171,40 +173,45 @@
  * the parser has ambiguous scope at present due to being made from global functions
  * I believe this object uses the parser to identify boundaries and kick off the
  * actual HTTP request handling objects (ClientSocketContext, ClientHttpRequest, HttpRequest)
  * If the above can be confirmed accurate we can call this object PipelineManager or similar
 class ConnStateData : public BodyProducer, public HttpControlMsgSink, public RegisteredRunner
     explicit ConnStateData(const MasterXaction::Pointer &xact);
     virtual ~ConnStateData();
     void readSomeData();
     bool areAllContextsForThisConnection() const;
     void freeAllContexts();
     void notifyAllContexts(const int xerrno); ///< tell everybody about the err
     /// Traffic parsing
     bool clientParseRequests();
     void readNextRequest();
+    // In v3.5, usually called via ClientSocketContext::keepaliveNextRequest().
+    /// try to make progress on a transaction or read more I/O
+    void kick();
     ClientSocketContext::Pointer getCurrentContext() const;
     void addContextToQueue(ClientSocketContext * context);
     int getConcurrentRequestCount() const;
     bool isOpen() const;
     // HttpControlMsgSink API
     virtual void sendControlMsg(HttpControlMsg msg);
     // Client TCP connection details from comm layer.
     Comm::ConnectionPointer clientConnection;
     class In {
         void maybeMakeSpaceAvailable();
         ChunkedCodingParser *bodyParser; ///< parses chunked request body
         SBuf buf;
     } in;
@@ -270,43 +277,55 @@
     /// true if we stopped receiving the request
     const char *stoppedReceiving() const { return stoppedReceiving_; }
     /// true if we stopped sending the response
     const char *stoppedSending() const { return stoppedSending_; }
     /// note request receiving error and close as soon as we write the response
     void stopReceiving(const char *error);
     /// note response sending error and close as soon as we read the request
     void stopSending(const char *error);
     void expectNoForwarding(); ///< cleans up virgin request [body] forwarding state
     /* BodyPipe API */
     BodyPipe::Pointer expectRequestBody(int64_t size);
     virtual void noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable(BodyPipe::Pointer) = 0;
     virtual void noteBodyConsumerAborted(BodyPipe::Pointer) = 0;
     bool handleReadData();
     bool handleRequestBodyData();
-    /// Forward future client requests using the given server connection.
-    /// Optionally, monitor pinned server connection for remote-end closures.
-    void pinConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServerConn, HttpRequest *request, CachePeer *peer, bool auth, bool monitor = true);
+    /// parameters for the async notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle() call
+    class PinnedIdleContext
+    {
+    public:
+        PinnedIdleContext(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const HttpRequest::Pointer &req): connection(conn), request(req) {}
+        Comm::ConnectionPointer connection; ///< to-server connection to be pinned
+        HttpRequest::Pointer request; ///< to-server request that initiated serverConnection
+    };
+    /// Called when a pinned connection becomes available for forwarding the next request.
+    void notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle(PinnedIdleContext pic);
+    /// Forward future client requests using the given to-server connection.
+    /// The connection is still being used by the current client request.
+    void pinBusyConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServerConn, const HttpRequest::Pointer &request);
     /// Undo pinConnection() and, optionally, close the pinned connection.
     void unpinConnection(const bool andClose);
     /// Returns validated pinnned server connection (and stops its monitoring).
     Comm::ConnectionPointer borrowPinnedConnection(HttpRequest *request, const CachePeer *aPeer);
      * Checks if there is pinning info if it is valid. It can close the server side connection
      * if pinned info is not valid.
      \param request   if it is not NULL also checks if the pinning info refers to the request client side HttpRequest
      \param CachePeer      if it is not NULL also check if the CachePeer is the pinning CachePeer
      \return          The details of the server side connection (may be closed if failures were present).
     const Comm::ConnectionPointer validatePinnedConnection(HttpRequest *request, const CachePeer *peer);
      * returts the pinned CachePeer if exists, NULL otherwise
     CachePeer *pinnedPeer() const {return pinning.peer;}
     bool pinnedAuth() const {return pinning.auth;}
     /// called just before a FwdState-dispatched job starts using connection
     virtual void notePeerConnection(Comm::ConnectionPointer) {}
@@ -328,41 +347,41 @@
     /// Changes state so that we close the connection and quit after serving
     /// the client-side-detected error response instead of getting stuck.
     void quitAfterError(HttpRequest *request); // meant to be private
     /// The caller assumes responsibility for connection closure detection.
     void stopPinnedConnectionMonitoring();
     /// the second part of old httpsAccept, waiting for future HttpsServer home
     void postHttpsAccept();
     /// Initializes and starts a peek-and-splice negotiation with the SSL client
     void startPeekAndSplice();
     /// Called when the initialization of peek-and-splice negotiation finidhed
     void startPeekAndSpliceDone();
     /// Called when a peek-and-splice step finished. For example after
     /// server SSL certificates received and fake server SSL certificates
     /// generated
     void doPeekAndSpliceStep();
     /// called by FwdState when it is done bumping the server
-    void httpsPeeked(Comm::ConnectionPointer serverConnection);
+    void httpsPeeked(PinnedIdleContext pic);
     /// Start to create dynamic SSL_CTX for host or uses static port SSL context.
     void getSslContextStart();
      * Done create dynamic ssl certificate.
      * \param[in] isNew if generated certificate is new, so we need to add this certificate to storage.
     void getSslContextDone(SSL_CTX * sslContext, bool isNew = false);
     /// Callback function. It is called when squid receive message from ssl_crtd.
     static void sslCrtdHandleReplyWrapper(void *data, const Helper::Reply &reply);
     /// Proccess response from ssl_crtd.
     void sslCrtdHandleReply(const Helper::Reply &reply);
     void switchToHttps(HttpRequest *request, Ssl::BumpMode bumpServerMode);
     bool switchedToHttps() const { return switchedToHttps_; }
     Ssl::ServerBump *serverBump() {return sslServerBump;}
     inline void setServerBump(Ssl::ServerBump *srvBump) {
         if (!sslServerBump)
             sslServerBump = srvBump;
@@ -432,41 +451,41 @@
     /// return NULL to request more header bytes (after checking any limits)
     /// use abortRequestParsing() to handle parsing errors w/o creating request
     virtual ClientSocketContext *parseOneRequest(Http::ProtocolVersion &ver) = 0;
     /// start processing a freshly parsed request
     virtual void processParsedRequest(ClientSocketContext *context, const Http::ProtocolVersion &ver) = 0;
     /// returning N allows a pipeline of 1+N requests (see pipeline_prefetch)
     virtual int pipelinePrefetchMax() const;
     /// timeout to use when waiting for the next request
     virtual time_t idleTimeout() const = 0;
     BodyPipe::Pointer bodyPipe; ///< set when we are reading request body
     int connFinishedWithConn(int size);
     void clientAfterReadingRequests();
     bool concurrentRequestQueueFilled() const;
-    void pinNewConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, HttpRequest *request, CachePeer *aPeer, bool auth);
+    void pinConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServerConn, const HttpRequest::Pointer &request);
     /* PROXY protocol functionality */
     bool proxyProtocolValidateClient();
     bool parseProxyProtocolHeader();
     bool parseProxy1p0();
     bool parseProxy2p0();
     bool proxyProtocolError(const char *reason);
     /// whether PROXY protocol header is still expected
     bool needProxyProtocolHeader_;
     /// some user details that can be used to perform authentication on this connection
     Auth::UserRequest::Pointer auth_;
     bool switchedToHttps_;
     /// The SSL server host name appears in CONNECT request or the server ip address for the intercepted requests
     String sslConnectHostOrIp; ///< The SSL server host name as passed in the CONNECT request
@@ -499,22 +518,24 @@
 void clientOpenListenSockets(void);
 void clientConnectionsClose(void);
 void httpRequestFree(void *);
 /// decide whether to expect multiple requests on the corresponding connection
 void clientSetKeepaliveFlag(ClientHttpRequest *http);
 /* misplaced declaratrions of Stream callbacks provided/used by client side */
 SQUIDCEXTERN CSR clientGetMoreData;
 SQUIDCEXTERN CSS clientReplyStatus;
 SQUIDCEXTERN CSD clientReplyDetach;
 CSCB clientSocketRecipient;
 CSD clientSocketDetach;
 /* TODO: Move to HttpServer. Warning: Move requires large code nonchanges! */
 ClientSocketContext *parseHttpRequest(ConnStateData *, HttpParser *, HttpRequestMethod *, Http::ProtocolVersion *);
 void clientProcessRequest(ConnStateData *conn, HttpParser *hp, ClientSocketContext *context, const HttpRequestMethod& method, Http::ProtocolVersion http_ver);
 void clientPostHttpsAccept(ConnStateData *connState);
+std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext &pic);
 #endif /* SQUID_CLIENTSIDE_H */

=== modified file 'src/clients/FtpRelay.cc'
--- src/clients/FtpRelay.cc	2017-01-01 00:16:45 +0000
+++ src/clients/FtpRelay.cc	2017-06-26 09:50:01 +0000
@@ -193,43 +193,44 @@
 /// Keep control connection for future requests, after we are done with it.
 /// Similar to COMPLETE_PERSISTENT_MSG handling in http.cc.
     CbcPointer<ConnStateData> &mgr = fwd->request->clientConnectionManager;
     if (mgr.valid()) {
         if (Comm::IsConnOpen(ctrl.conn)) {
             debugs(9, 7, "completing FTP server " << ctrl.conn <<
                    " after " << ctrl.replycode);
             if (ctrl.replycode == 221) { // Server sends FTP 221 before closing
             } else {
-                mgr->pinConnection(ctrl.conn, fwd->request,
-                                   ctrl.conn->getPeer(),
-                                   fwd->request->flags.connectionAuth);
+                CallJobHere1(9, 4, mgr,
+                             ConnStateData,
+                             notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle,
+                             ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext(ctrl.conn, fwd->request));
 /// Safely returns the master state,
 /// with safety checks in case the Ftp::Server side of the master xact is gone.
 Ftp::MasterState &
     CbcPointer<ConnStateData> &mgr = fwd->request->clientConnectionManager;
     if (mgr.valid()) {
         if (Ftp::Server *srv = dynamic_cast<Ftp::Server*>(mgr.get()))
             return *srv->master;
     // this code will not be necessary once the master is inside MasterXaction
     debugs(9, 3, "our server side is gone: " << mgr);
     static Ftp::MasterState Master;

=== modified file 'src/http.cc'
--- src/http.cc	2017-01-01 00:16:45 +0000
+++ src/http.cc	2017-06-26 10:31:36 +0000
@@ -1378,43 +1378,40 @@
     addVirginReplyBody(data, len);
     if (doneParsing) {
         lastChunk = 1;
         flags.do_next_read = false;
     return wasThereAnException;
  * processReplyBody has two purposes:
  *  1 - take the reply body data, if any, and put it into either
  *      the StoreEntry, or give it over to ICAP.
  *  2 - see if we made it to the end of the response (persistent
  *      connections and such)
-    Ip::Address client_addr;
-    bool ispinned = false;
     if (!flags.headers_parsed) {
         flags.do_next_read = true;
     debugs(11,5, HERE << "adaptationAccessCheckPending=" << adaptationAccessCheckPending);
     if (adaptationAccessCheckPending)
      * At this point the reply headers have been parsed and consumed.
      * That means header content has been removed from readBuf and
      * it contains only body data.
     if (entry->isAccepting()) {
         if (flags.chunked) {
@@ -1430,69 +1427,83 @@
     if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) {
         // The above writeReplyBody() call may have aborted the store entry.
         abortTransaction("store entry aborted while storing reply");
     } else
         switch (persistentConnStatus()) {
         case INCOMPLETE_MSG: {
             debugs(11, 5, "processReplyBody: INCOMPLETE_MSG from " << serverConnection);
             /* Wait for more data or EOF condition */
             AsyncCall::Pointer nil;
             if (flags.keepalive_broken) {
                 commSetConnTimeout(serverConnection, 10, nil);
             } else {
                 commSetConnTimeout(serverConnection, Config.Timeout.read, nil);
             flags.do_next_read = true;
             debugs(11, 5, "processReplyBody: COMPLETE_PERSISTENT_MSG from " << serverConnection);
-            /* yes we have to clear all these! */
+            // TODO: Remove serverConnectionSaved but preserve exception safety.
             flags.do_next_read = false;
             comm_remove_close_handler(serverConnection->fd, closeHandler);
             closeHandler = NULL;
-            fwd->unregister(serverConnection);
+            Ip::Address client_addr; // XXX: Remove as unused. Why was it added?
             if (request->flags.spoofClientIp)
                 client_addr = request->client_addr;
+            Comm::ConnectionPointer serverConnectionSaved = serverConnection;
+            fwd->unregister(serverConnection);
+            serverConnection = nullptr;
+            bool ispinned = false; // TODO: Rename to isOrShouldBePinned
             if (request->flags.pinned) {
                 ispinned = true;
             } else if (request->flags.connectionAuth && request->flags.authSent) {
                 ispinned = true;
-            if (ispinned && request->clientConnectionManager.valid()) {
-                request->clientConnectionManager->pinConnection(serverConnection, request, _peer,
-                        (request->flags.connectionAuth));
+            if (ispinned) {
+                if (request->clientConnectionManager.valid()) {
+                    CallJobHere1(11, 4, request->clientConnectionManager,
+                                 ConnStateData,
+                                 notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle,
+                                 ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext(serverConnectionSaved, request));
+                } else {
+                    // must not pool/share ispinned connections, even orphaned ones
+                    serverConnectionSaved->close();
+                }
             } else {
-                fwd->pconnPush(serverConnection, request->GetHost());
+                fwd->pconnPush(serverConnectionSaved, request->GetHost());
-            serverConnection = NULL;
+        }
             debugs(11, 5, "processReplyBody: COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG from " << serverConnection);
 HttpStateData::mayReadVirginReplyBody() const
     // TODO: Be more precise here. For example, if/when reading trailer, we may
     // not be doneWithServer() yet, but we should return false. Similarly, we
     // could still be writing the request body after receiving the whole reply.
     return !doneWithServer();

=== modified file 'src/servers/FtpServer.cc'
--- src/servers/FtpServer.cc	2017-02-26 11:09:42 +0000
+++ src/servers/FtpServer.cc	2017-06-26 09:50:01 +0000
@@ -284,46 +284,42 @@
     for (AnyP::PortCfgPointer s = FtpPortList; s != NULL; s = s->next) {
         if (s->listenConn != NULL) {
             debugs(1, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Closing FTP port " << s->listenConn->local);
             s->listenConn = NULL;
 Ftp::Server::notePeerConnection(Comm::ConnectionPointer conn)
     // find request
     ClientSocketContext::Pointer context = getCurrentContext();
     Must(context != NULL);
     ClientHttpRequest *const http = context->http;
     Must(http != NULL);
     HttpRequest *const request = http->request;
     Must(request != NULL);
-    // this is not an idle connection, so we do not want I/O monitoring
-    const bool monitor = false;
     // make FTP peer connection exclusive to our request
-    pinConnection(conn, request, conn->getPeer(), false, monitor);
+    pinBusyConnection(conn, request);
 Ftp::Server::clientPinnedConnectionClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &io)
     // TODO: Keep the control connection open after fixing the reset
     // problem below
     if (Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection))
     // TODO: If the server control connection is gone, reset state to login
     // again. Reseting login alone is not enough: FtpRelay::sendCommand() will
     // not re-login because FtpRelay::serverState() is not going to be
     // fssConnected. Calling resetLogin() alone is also harmful because
     // it does not reset correctly the client-to-squid control connection (eg
     // respond if required with an error code, in all cases)
     // resetLogin("control connection closure");

=== modified file 'src/tests/stub_client_side.cc'
--- src/tests/stub_client_side.cc	2017-01-01 00:16:45 +0000
+++ src/tests/stub_client_side.cc	2017-06-26 09:52:32 +0000
@@ -43,49 +43,50 @@
 bool ConnStateData::clientParseRequests() STUB_RETVAL(false)
 void ConnStateData::readNextRequest() STUB
 void ConnStateData::addContextToQueue(ClientSocketContext * context) STUB
 int ConnStateData::getConcurrentRequestCount() const STUB_RETVAL(0)
 bool ConnStateData::isOpen() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
 void ConnStateData::sendControlMsg(HttpControlMsg msg) STUB
 int64_t ConnStateData::mayNeedToReadMoreBody() const STUB_RETVAL(0)
 void ConnStateData::setAuth(const Auth::UserRequest::Pointer &aur, const char *cause) STUB
 bool ConnStateData::transparent() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
 bool ConnStateData::reading() const STUB_RETVAL(false)
 void ConnStateData::stopReading() STUB
 void ConnStateData::stopReceiving(const char *error) STUB
 void ConnStateData::stopSending(const char *error) STUB
 void ConnStateData::expectNoForwarding() STUB
 void ConnStateData::noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable(BodyPipe::Pointer) STUB
 void ConnStateData::noteBodyConsumerAborted(BodyPipe::Pointer) STUB
 bool ConnStateData::handleReadData() STUB_RETVAL(false)
 bool ConnStateData::handleRequestBodyData() STUB_RETVAL(false)
-void ConnStateData::pinConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServerConn, HttpRequest *request, CachePeer *peer, bool auth, bool monitor) STUB
+void ConnStateData::pinBusyConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &, const HttpRequest::Pointer &) STUB
+void ConnStateData::notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle(PinnedIdleContext) STUB
 void ConnStateData::unpinConnection(const bool andClose) STUB
 const Comm::ConnectionPointer ConnStateData::validatePinnedConnection(HttpRequest *request, const CachePeer *peer) STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
 void ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &io) STUB
 void ConnStateData::clientReadRequest(const CommIoCbParams &io) STUB
 void ConnStateData::connStateClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &io) STUB
 void ConnStateData::requestTimeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &params) STUB
 void ConnStateData::swanSong() STUB
 void ConnStateData::quitAfterError(HttpRequest *request) STUB
-void ConnStateData::httpsPeeked(Comm::ConnectionPointer serverConnection) STUB
+void ConnStateData::httpsPeeked(PinnedIdleContext) STUB
 void ConnStateData::getSslContextStart() STUB
 void ConnStateData::getSslContextDone(SSL_CTX * sslContext, bool isNew) STUB
 void ConnStateData::sslCrtdHandleReplyWrapper(void *data, const Helper::Reply &reply) STUB
 void ConnStateData::sslCrtdHandleReply(const Helper::Reply &reply) STUB
 void ConnStateData::switchToHttps(HttpRequest *request, Ssl::BumpMode bumpServerMode) STUB
 void ConnStateData::buildSslCertGenerationParams(Ssl::CertificateProperties &certProperties) STUB
 bool ConnStateData::serveDelayedError(ClientSocketContext *context) STUB_RETVAL(false)
 void ConnStateData::In::maybeMakeSpaceAvailable() STUB
 void setLogUri(ClientHttpRequest * http, char const *uri, bool cleanUrl) STUB
 const char *findTrailingHTTPVersion(const char *uriAndHTTPVersion, const char *end) STUB_RETVAL(NULL)
 int varyEvaluateMatch(StoreEntry * entry, HttpRequest * req) STUB_RETVAL(0)
 void clientOpenListenSockets(void) STUB
 void clientHttpConnectionsClose(void) STUB
 void httpRequestFree(void *) STUB

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