On Thu, Aug 14, 2003, Robert Collins wrote:

> Let me add:
> It will be a -lot- easier for you to:
> Get 3.0 stable on those uni caches.
> Get kqueue / epoll stable on those uni caches.
> Then get COSS stable on 3.0, 
> than to:
> get COSS stable.
> get 3.0 stable
> get coss with 3.0 stable
> get coss with 3.0 stable with epoll/kqueue.

Heh. I'm going to try out squid-3.0 soon and see how it fares.
I'd _like_ to run it straight off, but then I'm not as familiar
with the 3.0 internals and I kind of need to get something upgraded
and stable soon. Once its upgraded and stable I'll be able to
do some further work..


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