On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, John El-Rassi wrote:

> 1.  so would it be as simple as changing the <#define
> WCCP2_CAPABILTIY_INFO 8> value to provide the 00000002 value, to put the
> squid engine as a capable engine, and then squid should be able to read
> the redirected L2 (Layer 2) requests and service them?  or am i totally
> off wack here?

I have never looked at the WCCPv2 patch, but it looks reasonable.

I would add a squid.conf parameter for this.

> 2.  when i run squid in wccp version 1 and cisco 3550 in wccp (with the
> gre tunnels) the cisco switch only routes traffic normally that is
> destined to the net.  it however redirects traffic if the destination ip
> of the web request was any IP that the cisco is configured with.  (
> menaing if i type in the web browser the IP address of the cisco switch.
> the web managment interface of the router).  when i do that i see the
> redirection counter on the cisco incrementing and the access.log on
> squid showing the request and query. However if i do from the same
> client any other web request the redirect counters don't increment, the
> access.log obviously doesn't show anything, but the request does return
> webpages, which i am guessing is being routed normally instead of
> redirecting it.

That defenitely is a router bug.

If your router has a "fast switching" path then try disabling this to see
if that helps. I have heard in the past that there was problems with WCCP
in certain Cisco "fast switching" implementations. Traffic directed to one
of the IP addresses of the router itself will always hit the CPU and does
not use any "fast switching" path of the router.


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