On Tue, 3 May 2005, Baumgaertel Oliver wrote:

Well Henrik, that was my point exactly. The problem I have with that is
plain and simple. Squid 3 is in development since what, 3 years now? It'll take at least another year to get it into a usable, complete release.

Yes. Not the proudest release cycle, but these things happens.

Then I'll have most likely to wait another half year until I can introduce it as a test version on one server of the main farm. And then I'll get permission to invest work into it to add the features we need or to fix issues we'll encounter.

Then you will always be in a tricky position as your development will be based on a version in freezed state where no new additions will be allowed in. New additions is only allowed in the development phase of the release cycle. After a version has gone into the STABLE state of it's development cycle no new features is allowed in.

If you finish your development reasonaly recent after the STABLE1 release then chances are high that it can get quite easily merged into the development version, but the more time which passes after the STABLE1 release the higher the risk that there will be significant amount of work to merge your developments into the current version. But I do not think we will see as large changes as in the Squid-2.X -> Squid-3.X in a long while to come.

Besides, last time I looked the documentation of 3 was just as bad as the one 2 has.

Squid-3 has somewhat better documentation than Squid-2 as each section restructured has had it's documentation updated/written, but there obviously is large gaps.

However I put it, I am on the loosing end. I could start to write an icap
version for S3, but I have also to make that same code run in S2. Perhaps I
can give persuading my employer another shot to go with the current version
as is and letting me concentrate on S3 as I originally intended in the first
place. But given the current time frame I'd have a better chance to get the
clearance for a complete own proxy project.

To put things simple:

Squid-3 needs more people looking at it for Squid development to move forward in a reasonable pace. Frankly until this happens we are all at the loosing end.

The current state is that the main Squid project is currently 2 persons working actively some hours a week, one on Squid-3 (Guido) and one on Squid-2.5 (myself) plus some persons working an hour here or there. Then there is a handful independent developers working on a certain development feature of their interest.


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