On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Duane Wessels wrote:

Looking at the current wishlist for 2.6 I think it is too long and
too ambitious.  I would rather that people spend time on squid-3,
but that is perhaps a selfish reason.

As indicated in my earlier message I have not been able to find customers willing to fund Squid-3 only development. In all development requests I have been involved in the request has been to deliver a stable version for the current STABLE release (i.e. 2.5) and in addition to get the feature into the development version for future maintenance (i.e. 3).

There has never been any problem in convincing the customers that the development also has to be done for Squid-3, and that this will add some time to the total development cost compared to a 2.5 only solution.

I sincerely does not expect a 2.6 release to make this much different. My hope is instead kind of the opposite that we by getting this 2.6 release together will draw more attention to Squid and make it easier to find people interested in funding various aspects of the development.

In addition a 2.6 release would reduce my maintenance costs significantly as I currently have to maintain about 10 different Squid-2.5 trees, and with the 2.6 release this can be brought down to one or maybe two trees..


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