sön 2006-06-25 klockan 02:11 +1200 skrev Reuben Farrelly:

> I also think we should decide at some point how and for how much longer we are
> going to support 2.5 and 2.6 in the absence of sponsorship, and announce a 
> roadmap soon so that users have lots of warning of what is coming up.  We 
> don't 
> want to end up with 2.5, 2.6 and 3.0 in a stable cycle with 3.1 in 
> development 
> all at the same time at the end of this year ;)

Well.. my support (i.e. bugfixing) for 2.5 is ending by the release of
2.6.STABLE1.  This is how it has always been with Squid releases.


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