sön 2006-06-25 klockan 10:58 +0200 skrev Guido Serassio:

> You wrote "The 2.6 release is actually about focusing the community again".
> This is happening because 2.6 include a lot of 
> feature needed in real production environments, 
> features already developed for 2.5 often with a customer sponsorship.
> But I'm not so sure that the current feature set 
> of 3.0 could generate the same attention in the 
> community: the general lack of sponsorship for 
> the development of 3.0 features (with the 
> exception of ESI and ICAP) is a worrying signal.

And is why we must get a 3.0.STABLE out (in STABLE condition), so we can
start shift production attention over there. It's the only way forward.


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