tor 2006-08-24 klockan 15:14 +0800 skrev Adrian Chadd:

> Well, whats changed between squid-2.5 and squid-2.6 which may play a part?

The major change related to thisis that we now server side support
content negotiation using ETag and If-None-Match to find which cached
entity variant (identity vs gzip encoding, Swedish vs English etc) to
send to the client.

Which means that if the server is not sending correct ETag:s AND
responds to If-None-Match then clients will not be given the correct
entities. Apache mod_gzip is an example. There is a directive to try to
work around such broken servers (broken_vary_encoding or something like
that), but quite likely it needs additional work as the matrix of the
server brokenness aspects out there is figured out..


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