tor 2006-08-24 klockan 09:35 -0300 skrev Giancarlo Razzolini:

> I can be talking a lot of s... but, i remember seeing something about
> gzip compression being broken for some sites on internet explorer, after
>  microsoft released the monthly patches.

Brokenness exists at many fronts, both servers and clients. Only Squid
is right ;-)

> Don't think it is an squid specific issue.

In this case the issue was the server, and triggered by Squid. The far
most common case.. servers not sending correct ETag headers. We already
have a workaround implemented for Apache mod_deflate & mod_gzip (both
broken), but wikimedia is using another server so our workaround doesn't
trigger there.

> Check if some people use firefox and if it does get
> broken on it too.

Firefox has full support for gzip so the problem won't be noticed

But using this to promote open source browsers isn't a bad thing.


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