On 8/31/06, Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
tor 2006-08-31 klockan 15:06 -0700 skrev Pranav Desai:

> I have done the other changes you suggested. I will send the patch
> after some testing. I had one question though, I am not able to find
> any struct that has a lifetime of an entire request.

clientHttpRequest is the full lifetime of an entire request. There isn't
a request until it have have been read from the connection.

request_t is almost the full lifetime, and is what is used all over.
It's a complete request with request headers.

A connection can carry multiple requests, or even none.

We have:

1. Connection accepted: ConnStateData  (client_side only)
2. Request headers read: clientHttpRequest (client_side only) and
request_t (core request processing)

Adding timers to request_t is OK. Only odd thing to remember is that in
http.c you need to use ->orig_request

For client and server timers request_t seems to work fine, but for the
disk In/Out timers, I can get to request_t through
storeIOState->e->mem_obj->request_t. Is this reasonable ?


-- Pranav




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