fre 2006-09-01 klockan 15:06 -0700 skrev Pranav Desai:
> On 9/1/06, Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > fre 2006-09-01 klockan 10:20 -0700 skrev Pranav Desai:
> >
> > > For client and server timers request_t seems to work fine, but for the
> > > disk In/Out timers, I can get to request_t through
> > > storeIOState->e->mem_obj->request_t. Is this reasonable ?
> >
> > Maybe. But I don't think there is a guarantee there is a
> > mem_obj->request on disk I/O.
> >
> Ok. Is there any other place this info can be stored ?

The natural place for per object disk I/O counters is the sio. There is
no close relation sio<->HTTP request as they live independent of each


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