Hi Alex,
  Still exist problems in preview transaction between icap server and
squid. There are cases in which the squid-icap does not send the "0;
ieof" sequence if all the http response body fits in the preview data
but sends the 0\r\n\r\n. After that gets the "100 continue"  icap
response  but it stops the icap transaction becouse it fails in
ICAPModXact::handle100Continue function in the Must exception:
Must(state.writing == State::writingPaused);
The state.writing here is equal to State::writingPreview

The following solves the problem for me (but maybe makes other
problems). It is in function moveRequestChunk in file ICAPModXacct.cc:

diff -u -r1.1.2.21 ICAPModXact.cc
--- ICAPModXact.cc      14 Feb 2007 22:52:30 -0000
+++ ICAPModXact.cc      17 Feb 2007 16:32:40 -0000
@@ -304,7 +304,8 @@
         // if there is no active virginWriteClaim,
         // then there is no body left to write,
         // so we must have written everything
-        const bool wroteEof = !virginWriteClaim.active();
+        const bool wroteEof = !virginWriteClaim.active() ||
+        (virgin.body_pipe->productionEnded() &&
claimSize(virginWriteClaim) <= 0);
         preview.wrote(chunkSize, wroteEof); // even if wrote nothing

I am also sending my squid log data (sorry for the long mail):

2007/02/17 18:45:27.929| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(377) consuming 195 out of
195 virgin body bytes
2007/02/17 18:45:27.929| ICAPModXact will not start sending [FD
12007/02/17 18:45:27.919| ICAPModXact should offer 1024-byte preview
(service wanted 1024)
2007/02/17 18:45:27.919| ICAPModXact ICAP will write [FD
13r;Rrw(1)P(1024)B/ icapx6]:
RESPMOD icap:// ICAP/1.0
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 16:45:27 GMT
Encapsulated: req-hdr=0, res-hdr=518, res-body=883
Preview: 1024

GET http://www.google.com/ HTTP/1.1
Host: www.google.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8.1)
Gecko/20061023 SUSE/2.0-30 Firefox/2.0
Accept-Language: el,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-7,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Via: 1.0 fortune.home.chtsanti.net (C-ICAP/120207 Clamav/Antivirus service )

HTTP/1.0 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: http://www.google.gr/
Cache-Control: private
expires=Sun, 17-Jan-2038 19:14:07 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.com
Content-Type: text/html
Server: GWS/2.1
Content-Encoding: gzip
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 16:43:58 GMT
Connection: Close

2007/02/17 18:45:27.919| ICAPModXact::noteCommConnected ended [FD
13wr;Rrw(2)P(1024)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote called [FD
13wr;Rrw(2)P(1024)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(149) Wrote 1066 bytes
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(177) checking whether to
write more [FD 13r;Rrw(3)P(1024)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(216) will write Preview
body from 0x850dc00*2 [FD 13r;Rrw(3)P(1024)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(255) will write up to 195
bytes of preview body
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(266) will write 195-byte
chunk of preview body
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(278) will write last-chunk
of preview body
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(283) will write 206 raw
bytes of preview body
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote ended [FD
13wr;Rrw(3)P(829)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote called [FD
13wr;Rrw(3)P(829)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(149) Wrote 206 bytes
2007/02/17 18:45:27.920| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(177) checking whether to
write more [FD 13r;Rrw(3)P(829)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.921| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(216) will write Preview
body from 0x850dc00*2 [FD 13r;Rrw(3)P(829)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.921| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(255) will write up to 195
bytes of preview body
2007/02/17 18:45:27.921| ICAPModXact has no writable preview body content
2007/02/17 18:45:27.921| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(278) will write last-chunk
of preview body
2007/02/17 18:45:27.921| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(283) will write 5 raw bytes
of preview body
2007/02/17 18:45:27.921| ICAPModXact::noteCommWrote ended [FD
13wr;Rrw(3)P(829)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.927| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(58) 0x84d8a28 read returned 25
2007/02/17 18:45:27.927| ICAPModXact::noteCommRead called [FD
13wr;Rrw(3)P(829)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.928| ICAP/ICAPXaction.cc(328) read 25 bytes
2007/02/17 18:45:27.928| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(549) have 25 bytes to parse
[FD 13w;Rrw(3)P(829)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.928| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(550)
ICAP/1.0 100 Continue

2007/02/17 18:45:27.928| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(578) parse ICAP headers
2007/02/17 18:45:27.928| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(781) have 25 head bytes to
parse; state: 0
2007/02/17 18:45:27.928| HttpMsg::parse success (25 bytes) near
'ICAP/1.0 100 Continue

2007/02/17 18:45:27.928| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(793) parse success, consume
25 bytes, return true
2007/02/17 18:45:27.928| ICAPModXact::noteCommRead caught an exception:
state.writing == State::writingPaused  [FD 13w;Rrw(3)P(829)B/ icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.928| ICAPModXact will stop, reason: exception
2007/02/17 18:45:27.929| ICAPModXact::noteCommRead ends xaction  [FD
13w;Rrw(3)P(829)B/Stopped icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.929| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(944) swan sings [FD
13w;Rrw(3)P(829)B/Stopped icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.929| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(947) swan sings for
exception [FD 13w;Rrw(3)P(829)B/Stopped icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.929| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(948) will call
2007/02/17 18:45:27.929| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(403) will NOT wait for the
last write [FD 13w;Rrw(3)P(829)B/Stopped icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.929| ICAP/ICAPModXact.cc(413) will no longer write
[FD 13w;Rrw(3)P(829)B/Stopped icapx6]
2007/02/17 18:45:27.929| ICAPModXact will no longer backup [FD
13w;RrP(829)B/Stoppedw icapx6]

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