On Thu, Mar 01, 2007, kinkie wrote:

> Not that I know of; that would reqire a full-blown CMS engine.
> I'll do some research, but I'm skeptic.
> It's probably also overkill: the current policy (write-access requires
> easily-given approval), together with the wiki's versioning capabilities
> (to roll back unapproved changes) and page change monitoring, should be
> adequate already.
> We could promote contributions in the KB pages themselves (i.e. a standard
> footer or something like that); maybe that'd help attract help.

Its not all that important to start with. Lets get the bugs and kinks worked
out of the new website and get that thing live first. I'll then put feelers
into the Squid community and see if we can find ourselves one or two interested
people to start fleshing out the Wiki and website with various articles.

Whats missing/broken @ http://new.squid-cache.org/ besides the downloads?


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