tis 2007-02-06 klockan 00:14 -0500 skrev louis gonzales:

> Is the process to tap into a database for regex's(which are stored in a 
> database) as easy as using the external_acl to call, for instance a PERL 
> program which can search the database via DBI, which can check if the 
> %LOGIN id is permitted or prohibited to get this web content, and send 
> back the response(OK or ERR), at which point Squid will either 
> permit/prohibit based on the associated (acl, http_access) pair?


> Maybe in the months coming down the road, my friend and I can contribute 
> to PERL development of some additional 'helper' functions, which can be 
> shipped/bundled with Squid to allow for database access OOTB?


> What kind of commitment does your group look for?

Whatever you can provide. 


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