Ok, maybe I'm doing something silly.

I've read a line in from STDIN
then split;

my ($ID, $PW, $URL) = split;
print OFH "ID: $ID PW: $PW URL: $URL"; // where OFH is an output file handle

when I look at my os file it only ever shows the ID and PW, but not the URL

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

mån 2007-03-05 klockan 18:17 -0500 skrev louis gonzales:
Hello all,
There is one %{Header}'s that I want to read in my external helper program.

external_acl_type eXhelper %LOGIN %{Host} /path/to/my/eXhelper.pl

I read in STDIN and get the "username password" as supplied by the user, who is prompted by basic authentication.

password is never sent to an external_acl helper, only the basic auth
helpers (auth_param basic program ...).

/path/to/my/eXhelper.pl will be sent the authenticated login name plus
the Host: header value per the specifications above.

I.e. if user louis requests www.squid-cache.org the helper will be sent

louis www.squid-cache.org

this is regardless of which authentication scheme was used.
authentication is separate from authorization, and only the basic auth
scheme has passwords... (the others all use one-time hashes).


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