tis 2007-03-13 klockan 14:50 +0900 skrev Steven:

> The third patch (transparent-pipeline.patch) is designed to allow squid to 
> handle non-http traffic.  If a request can not be decoded by squid, and it 
> was a transparently intercepted requets, it will be transformed to a 
> CONNECT request to the server that the client was trying to contact, and 
> all data will be passed to/from the server untouched by squid.  (I have a 
> second copy of this patch that has been tested, and I can confirm that it 
> works when patched against squid 2.6.10.  The attached patch was created 
> against the CVS tree of 2.6, and does need testing).

Cool. Incidentally in principle this is also what's needed for
transparent interception of non-HTTP ports (i.e. 443), even if those is
best done with a new tunnel_port directive..

This must be configurable. It's not acceptable to have Squid tunnel junk
unless the administrator allowed it, not even in transparent
interception mode.


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