tis 2007-03-13 klockan 14:50 +0900 skrev Steven:

> The second patch (transparent-dns-hint.patch) is designed to use the 
> destination IP that the client was attempting to connect to as the server 
> IP if DNS lookup fail (for a transparent request).


But can be significantly simplified. No need for the new
commConnectStart2 call, you could simply pass the numeric address to
commConnectStart on error. This also allows moving the flag from the fd
array to the request.

Related to this I'd like to seea generalized version, to never do DNS
lookups in transparent interception. This requires the cache key to be
changed to include the IP, but is quite acceptable in most setups.

Hmm.. an easy path to achieve this would be to extend the host name,
using for example the syntax hostname*ip.


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