ons 2007-05-09 klockan 00:07 +0100 skrev Markus Moeller:
> I have written a helper program for the negotiate protocol (only the 
> Kerberos part of it). I can get it to determine the correct userid but 
> somehow the reply doesn't get back to squid. I don't get any debug from 
> authenticateNegotiateHandleReply. What triggers
> authenticateNegotiateHandleReply to read the output of the helper program ?

Just the fact that the helper returned some output. Squid is continously
monitoring the helper connection and as soon as the helper outputs
something authenticateNegotiateHandleReply gets called.

As Duane said the most likely cause to helper output not being seen by
Squid is stdio buffering. libc by default buffers output not sent to
terminals by the assumtion that everything not a terminal is a batch
operation to a file which will only be read after the program has exited
(or closed the file), which is not quite what you want here..


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