mån 2007-05-14 klockan 12:14 +0200 skrev Jeremy Lardon:

> I got some interest in Squid/ICAP architecture.
> So I tried to patch the nightly snapshot but a large amount of code is 
> already in the Squid-3 source.

Sounds like Alex has forgot to run cvsmerge after his last batch of icap
patches, or that something has gone wrong somewhere..

Looking at the CVS trees I see that Alex ran cvsmerge a couple of days
ago, so I can only assume something has gone wrong somewhere. Hmm..
looks like the downloadable patches isn't getting updated properly. I'll
look into why..

> Consequently, I wonder what may be the best :
>   - try to see if all rejections by the patch command are due to the 
> existence of the code in the source else add the differences,
>   - look for the version with which the ICAP patch has be created and 
> apply the patch on it.

Or check out the squid3-icap CVS branch from devel.squid-cache.org. 


that way you get a complete tree, ready for you to run "bootstrap.sh"
and then compile..


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