mån 2007-05-21 klockan 12:09 +0200 skrev Emilio Casbas:
> Hi all,
> I have been working with squid for 5 years. We are working with 
> different scenarios and configurations such as cache-proxy with several 
> acls in a multiple caching hierarchy. Reverse proxy and transparent proxy.
> I would like to get involved with squid in order to know their internal 
> structure and work, by this way having more possibilities to understand 
> more deeply the problems or difficulties we could have.
> I could start contributing by fixing small bugs, the first patch I have 
> done was http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.0/changesets/10800.patch
> I could go ahead in this direction.

You are most welcome.

Another task which we need quite immediate help with is to make a good
comparison of the Squid-2.6 and Squid-3 features. Preferably done in two

1. Synchronize cf.data.pre formatting and language between the two
releases. Some options is better documented in 2.6, some in 3..

2. Document the other differences in the Squid-3.0 release notes.


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