tis 2007-05-22 klockan 17:42 +0200 skrev Emilio Casbas:

> > 1. Synchronize cf.data.pre formatting and language between the two
> > releases. Some options is better documented in 2.6, some in 3..
> Ok, I'm in the process os synchronizing the files of two releases.

Hint: Use the scripts/www/build-cfg-help.pl script to split the file.
This rules out any sorting differences, and makes it easier to focus at
one option a time.
> > 2. Document the other differences in the Squid-3.0 release notes.
> How can I know that one option is only available in one release but it's 
> not in the other?

If an option is only in cf.data.pre for one of the releases then it's
only in that release.


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