On lör, 2007-12-15 at 14:54 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:

> Yes I applied the code by 'patch -p1'.

Good. Then there is no risk of accidently backing out others edits.

> I will need some help about adding the website /Versions/v3/3.1/ pages 
> and the release-3.1.sgml notes. What need to stay/go/change?

It's a little early adding the 3.1 web site pages. We do that when it's
time to branch 3.1 from HEAD.

But release notes should be started now. Either using the older release
notes as template, or start from scratch.

> There are some bug chunks of notes made during testing which need to be 
> published in the release notes.

Then place them there.

>   I don't want to touch any of that until you are able to walk me 
> through it properly.

It's hard to go wrong. The most important at the moment is to collect
the information proper.

> I know. I'm saying hold just-in-case. When we are sure its all worked we 
> can make it a free-for-all again.

Yes, it helps avoiding conflicts in the middle of your patch merging.

> FWIW; I have waited for a few hours for your updates this morning to 
> complete ... cvsmerge'd your updates from HEAD ... made a clean patch 
> here from both branches ... patched HEAD on squid-cache.org with it ... 
> waited a few hours ... then confirmed via another ./cvsmerge that my 
> patch to HEAD has arrived down sourceforge.


> Thats where its at right this minute now. So I assume the code change is 
> done properly. But its just an assumption right now.

Next step is to try building a nightly snapshot.. (or a make dist from
your build tree, same thing more or less)


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