On tor, 2007-12-20 at 22:48 +1100, Robert Collins wrote:

> All these meet the needs listed above. My strong preference is bzr; its
> recently reached 1.0 and I'm extremely familiar with it due to having
> spent some years on it. In a broad sense hg/monotone/bzr/git are very
> similar, and darcs is radically different. So I'm not particularly
> fussed about getting into a deep compare-every-little-detail of the
> systems discussion. Any of them is a vast improvement over CVS.

From my experimetns on this the two left standing on that list is git
and bzr for various reasons.

I don't have a strong opinion on which of the two is technically better,
but having close relation with a bzr wizard like yourself is a plus.

> What I am interested in is:
>  - If someone puts the effort in to perform a migration of data and
> scripts (I'm offering to do this during my christmas break), whats the
> feeling on moving?

Very welcome.

>  - What does each of you individually need to consider moving to bzr for
> squid 3 trunk development? [what infrastructure do I need to port or
> replace, etc etc].

There isn't very much infrastructure that needs porting, beyond getthing
the new VCS server components and configuration up and running,.

- the snapshot scripts need a little update to use the right tools for
checking out the source tree.

- the release scripts as well

- the rest is maninly a handful recipes on how to do common tasks needed
for Squid development.

Most of the other VCS related "infrastructure" we have is just to work
around the shortcomings of CVS.

But some script to mirror HEAD and STABLE branches into CVS while
keeping the CVS structure of things would be nice in order to continue
serving reasonable anoncvs read-only access. Not a requirement however.


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