I gave in and coded up a very, very simplistic and naive implementation
for "include". You can now include configuration file snippets from
squid.conf, or any included config file.

My next trick will be breaking up cf.data.pre along the documentation
boundary lines and have seperate configuration file chunks for various
tasks. Something like:

  - squid.conf.auth
  - squid.conf.acl
  - squid.conf.cache
  - squid.conf.http
  - squid.conf.ftp
  - squid.conf.peer
  - squid.conf.htcp
  - squid.conf.icp
  - squid.conf.digests
  - squid.conf.misc

I'd also really, really like to generate these files without any
inline comments, leaving the inline comments for squid.conf.default.
I'm sorry, but that enormous config file is a horrible, horrible thing
for first timers to look at. I always suggest this:

cat squid.conf | grep -v ^# | grep -v ^$ > squid.conf

.. and I think we should ship the default config files looking somewhat

Unless there are reasoned objections I'll:

* be porting the include thing to squid-2.7, as I believe its a non-intrusive
  change that people who will upgrade to 2.7 will benefit from;
* look at breaking out cf.data.pre into something resembling the above for
  new installs in Squid-2.HEAD at some point in the future (read: when I next
  need a distraction from my other squid-2 related butchery.)


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