On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 15:52 +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 12:53 +0900, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> > I'd like to try. I think its a bit silly to hold a design and brainstorming
> > without the squid core members able to have some sort of presence.
> > Speaking purely for myself, I've spent the last couple of years fiddling
> > with this stuff, researching how other applications are written and getting
> > my head around all the various issues preventing Squid from being "fast";
> > it'd be a bit silly for us not to include that.
> I presume you mean 'without all the' :). This isn't intended as some
> sort of major design jag; it started with my saying 'another trip in
> March' and kinkie saying, 'lets have a meetup'.
> Its pretty common in other projects to have little meet ups of the folk
> that *can* get together as time permits.
> If this was a 'lets make a 1 year plan to make squid fast' big strategy
> meeting; then it would be silly to do it without you; and even more
> silly to do it without you in person. Its not, and I don't think anyone
> has represented as being that.

It would also be silly to just sit in a room, working on bugs. Attendees
can do that without meeting each-other face-to-face. If folks get
together, I think they should talk about the Big Picture. They just
should not make any final decisions.

I agree that Adrian's couple of years of "fiddling with stuff" should be
included via conferencing and/or some kind of summary document. The
latter would be very useful at any rate, but I doubt Adrian has time to
prepare a nice summary.



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