Canonical has confirmed - they are happy to host 4-5 people at the
office on the 1st and 2nd. The only caveat is the air conditioning is
off in the weekend.

On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 09:27 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 15:52 +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
> > 
> > If this was a 'lets make a 1 year plan to make squid fast' big strategy
> > meeting; then it would be silly to do it without you; and even more
> > silly to do it without you in person. Its not, and I don't think anyone
> > has represented as being that.
> It would also be silly to just sit in a room, working on bugs. Attendees
> can do that without meeting each-other face-to-face. If folks get
> together, I think they should talk about the Big Picture. They just
> should not make any final decisions.

There are many sorts of productive activities. Large scale triage is
often easier in person; pair programming can get a lot done that would
take many round trips not face to face; design discussions can be made -
totally true.

> I agree that Adrian's couple of years of "fiddling with stuff" should be
> included via conferencing and/or some kind of summary document. The
> latter would be very useful at any rate, but I doubt Adrian has time to
> prepare a nice summary.

Adrian - this is a good idea, can you do some sort of summary document -
basically what you'd say the biggest issues are ? :)


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