So if I get this right, this is for returning different error pages
per negotiated language, right?


2008/7/21 Amos Jeffries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
>> mån 2008-07-21 klockan 11:44 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
>>>> Personally I think it's fine to add a po2html as an install time
>>>> requirement, at least in trunk. The soft fallback could be a configure
>>>> option to not generate translated error pages with a reference to where
>>>> a tarball of translated error pages can be downloaded.
>>> Okay. So how to do that cleanly and portably? I've stopped trusting /usr
>>> binary lookups on this one.
>> I meant
>> ./configure --without-po2html
>> with a help description explaining that translated error pages is then
>> not available, but can be downloaded from http://... and installed
>> manually if needed.
>> The reason for the manual flag instead of automatic detection is to get
>> the admin aware of the difference...
> I see. Simple enough. Adding. For now it says HEAD page.
> I'll link my D/L bundle from there until squid-cache starts building its
> own.
> I've written things now in such a way that the language pack is completely
> optional. And the errors upgrade no longer depends on this working. Though
> of course, only English will be available to a bare install without it.
> I've got everything sorted and working here now and would have submitted,
> but have hit another snag with bzr being to 'smart' again, apparently
> Firefox is a mail agent now. :-( Yes Robert I'll be emailing you soon if the
> next test fails.
> Updated patch for this coming when that works. Any other specific alteration
> requests?
>>> Nice idea. Lot of extra work though.
>> Maybe. The template stuff isn't that much work (done easier by
>> annotating the English templates slightly), but not sure how well
>> gettext will react on dynamic language selection.. (LC_LANGUAGE set per
>> request)
> The C++ face of it _appears_ to be much more flexible. But the only demos I
> could find were for its use in iostreams.
> The extra work would be in hard-coding each error pages structure and
> content lookups into squid. Not the actual translations.
> Amos
> --
> Please use Squid 2.7.STABLE3 or 3.0.STABLE8

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