
I'm following directions at in joining this
list... My main motivation is to submit a patch for the minor changes I
made to the squid source described below:

We're in the process of implementing squid 3.1.1 version for reverse
proxying. The issue we ran into is related to running a cluster of
Squids in sibling mode. Problem was that for stale (cached but expired)
resources Squids always go to the backend servers to verify freshness
instead of contacting their sibling Squids (this was the case for ICP,
HTCP, and cache digests).

Changes I made include adding new squid.conf directive (on|off option)
that makes this behavior configurable. By default, it will behave as it
is in current Squid version, but if turned on it will verify freshness
of stale resources with its siblings (ICP, HTCP, and cache digests)
prior to contacting backend servers.

I will work on re-formatting changed code to match Squid3 coding
standards and will afterwards follow the process to submit patch


Greetings and Welcome Senad,

I look forward to seeing the patch when it comes through. Are you looking at an option that can be set on cache_peer per-peer? or globally?

FYI, Some administrative details to be aware of:

There is about 2 months to go before 3.2 goes into beta. I'm hoping for July 1st, depending on the SMP project work. Config file features should aim to be done and approved by that point.

3.1 is officially closed to new features etc., though private patches are always a possibility.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.3

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