Has anything been applied to 3 yet? I'd like to apply this patch, but don't 
want conflicting  / slightly different configuration or implementation.


On 22/05/2010, at 1:53 PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:

> Bug w/ patch for 2.HEAD at:
>  http://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2931
> On 18/05/2010, at 4:33 PM, Henrik Nordström wrote:
>> tis 2010-05-18 klockan 15:12 +1000 skrev Mark Nottingham:
>>>     /*
>>>      * The 'need_validation' flag is used to prevent forwarding
>>>      * loops between siblings.  If our copy of the object is stale,
>>>      * then we should probably only use parents for the validation
>>>      * request.  Otherwise two siblings could generate a loop if
>>>      * both have a stale version of the object.
>>>      */
>>>     r->flags.need_validation = 1;
>>> Is the code in Squid3 roughly the same?
>> Should be.
>>> I'm tempted to get rid of the need_validation flag, as there are other
>>> ways that Squid does loop suppression (e.g., only-if-cached on peer
>>> requests, icp_stale_hit). What do people think of this? Is this howyou
>>> addressed it.
>> Don't get rid of the flag, but an option to not skip siblings based on
>> it unless the sibling is configured with allow-miss
>> (peer->options.allow_miss) is fine.
>> When using ICP or Digests forwarding loop conditions is quite common,
>> triggered by clients sending their own freshness requirements or slight
>> difference in configuration between the siblings.
>> Regards
>> Henrik

Mark Nottingham       m...@yahoo-inc.com

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