Dear Mailing List,

I have a contribution to make, a C++ file (and autoconf patches) for /dev/poll Solaris support, ported from Squid-2 and in use on the BBC (UK) estate managed by Siemens UK with permission from the BBC to publish to the Squid open-source project.

I've not contributed to an open source project before and unsure how to deliver the patch. We (at the BBC/Siemens) would like to see the patch included so that future releases of Squid shall have the Solaris /dev/poll support supplied (reducing the need for us to patch each following release manually).

If one of you were to e-mail me directly I would be happy to provide the following: - /dev/poll support file to add to /src/ subdir
  squid-root.diff - unified diff to update in the / subdir
squid-include.diff - unified diff to update in the /include/ subdir squid-src.diff - unified diff to update files and in the /src/ subdir

The support for /dev/poll will be automatically detected by configure and conditionally compiled in.

Kind regards,
Peter Payne
Pirosa Limited, under contract to
Siemens UK, who operate
BBC media estate

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