Hello Amos,

in response to your comments.


Firstly, I wanted to address the benchmark questions as it made me curious as to whether there really was an advantage in using /dev/poll. I used the Apache Bench tool (that comes with HTTPD) to do my benchmarks.

I compiled a 32-bit Solaris 5.10 x86 of Squid version 3.1.8, and another Squid version 3.1.8 with my patches. I shall call them "unpatched Squid" and "patched Squid" respectively. Note that "unpatched Squid" was using ordinary poll() and "patched Squid" was using /dev/poll.

Where I used Apache bench with 1 simultaneous connection or even 8,000 simultaneous connections there was little difference between "unpatched Squid" and "patched Squid". When all connections are busy there is no performance gain.

However the test that proved the most striking difference was pre-establishing 8,000 TCP socket connections to Squid using a basic Perl script. Then running Apache Bench with 1 connection making 100,000 keep-alive'd requests.

unpatched Squid (using poll):
  2min23sec CPU user-time
  171sec to process 100000 Apache Bench queries

patched Squid (using /dev/poll):
  0min22sec CPU user-time
  25sec to process 100000 Apache Bench queries

Clearly /dev/poll has a significant performance gain where there are many idle TCP socket connections.

I have now also optimised the comm_devpoll.cc routine to ensure unnecessary calls to /dev/poll with the POLLREMOVE flag were removed.


Most of the style used was a result of directly copying the styles used in the existing comm_devpoll.c from Squid v2.7 and comm_epoll.cc from Squid v3.1.8. However where these conflict with the requests made most recently I will adopt the recommendations in the e-mail.

1. used #if USE_DEVPOLL instead of #ifdef
2. moved #includes except squid.h inside USE_DEVPOLL wrapper
3. moved comment to own line
4. removed big XXX..XXX lines (note comm_epoll.cc uses this notation)
5. made big doxygen effort!!! Enjoy.
6. (did not remove no-op else cases, I think they are clear)
7. used HERE macro as requested


/dev/poll doesn't need to be hard coded, that was a mistake. Please migrate USE_DEVPOLL conditional to same line as USE_EPOLL.


Pretty much all beyond me, am happy with whatever changes you decide to make. I just wanted to add a /dev/poll auto-detect routine and use that in preference to poll() if available.

Note that epoll/kqueue is assumed to be unavailable on any Solaris system with /dev/poll. You might want to thus prioritise /dev/poll support to BELOW that of epoll and kqueue (in case there's any confusion). But of course /dev/poll should be by default selected if available before defaulting to standard poll().

Kind regards,
Peter Payne

On 10/12/10 00:36, Amos Jeffries wrote:
On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 14:58:34 +0100, Peter Payne<sourcefo...@pirosa.co.uk>
Hello Amos,

thank you for your response. Please find attached the four files in

Companies to mention as sponsors are BBC (UK), Siemens IT Solutions and
Services (UK).

Credit to Peter Payne, Pirosa Limited UK (no e-mail please).
Sure. No problem.

Squid bug 3057 was raised by another member of Siemens IT Solutions and
Services during testing of Squid 3.1.8 on Solaris - that bug was not
produced on the 32-bit compile, just the 64-bit compile. It is not
thought this is related to the /dev/poll support added here.

On to the audit. This is just a 3.x style and consistency check. I'll take
it as tested and working.

comm_devpoll.cc: please make the following updates
   - use "#if USE_DEVPOLL" instead of #ifdef.
   - move all #includes except squid.h inside the USE_DEVPOLL wrapper.
   - move the "/* Solaris /dev/poll support */" to its own line or remove
   - remove the big "XXXX...XXXX" lines.
   - use /** for the function documentation.
     If you know doxygen syntax please markup the text in any other
relevant ways as well.
   - replace all debugs "DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8" with "5" or "7" to match
the other comm loops display density.
   - replace comm_update_fd the #if DEBUG_DEVPOLL with (?:) constructs in
the debugs()
     ie<<  (events&  POLLIN ? " IN":"")
   - in commSetSelect please remove the no-op else cases. "// else: we want
... " comments are fine.
   - comm_select please use HERE macro in debugs() instead of the text name
of the function.

squid-include.diff all done by autoconf during packaging. This can be

   - automake changes need to be made in Makefile.am. This can be done on
   - unlinkd.cc changes okay.

   - changes okay.
   - but can you mention why /dev/poll limit is hard-coded? compat area
needs enough details so we can track the when and why for each hack. The
aim being to remove them when the problems have been resolved.

   - okay as-is for 3.1.
   - for 3.2 and later we have simpler configure.in logics with some helper
macros. That can be cut-n-pasted on commit.
   - RUNIFELSE is a bigger problem. It breaks cross-compiling and I notice
its not present in 2.7.
     Is the configure-time run test marked "Verify that /dev/poll really
works" actually needed?
     What will happen to builds made on non-Solaris with forced devpoll and
the kernel headers present?

In configure.in the "magic" if statement (hunk: @@ -3013,6 +3066,8 @@) has
a specific order from fastest to slowest. Can you please point me/us at any
reliable /dev/poll benchmarking comparisons with epoll/kqueue to justify
placing it where you did?

Thank you.

Note that while porting comm_devpoll.cc I have suspicions that the
comm_epoll.cc commResetSelect() function does nothing (i.e., it calls
commSetSelect with no type flag, which I suspect is a no-op for all
intents and purposes). I haven't confirmed this, however, so haven't
raised it as a bug. Someone may want to double-check.

Hmm. Yes. It stops the event FD being polled, but does not unset the
handler like all the other loops.
I've not yet learned the details of epoll well, if you think doing a no-op
there is incorrect please make the bug report about it.


 * $Id$
 * DEBUG: section 05    Socket Functions
 * SQUID Web Proxy Cache          http://www.squid-cache.org/
 * ----------------------------------------------------------
 *  Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from
 *  the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full
 *  details.   Many organizations have provided support for Squid's
 *  development; see the SPONSORS file for full details.  Squid is
 *  Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of
 *  California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details.  Squid
 *  incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other
 *  sources; see the CREDITS file for full details.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.

 * This is a very simple driver for Solaris /dev/poll.
 * The updates are batched, one trip through the comm loop.
 * (like libevent.) We keep a pointer into the structs so we
 * can zero out an entry in the poll list if its active.
 * Ported by Peter Payne from Squid 2.7.STABLE9 comm_devpoll.c
 * on August 11, 2010 at 3pm (GMT+0100 Europe/London).
 * Last modified 2010-10-08

#include "squid.h"

 * There are several poll types in Squid, ALL of which are compiled and linked
 * in. Thus conditional compile-time flags are used to prevent the different
 * modules from creating several versions of the same function simultaneously.


#include "CacheManager.h"
#include "Store.h"
#include "fde.h"
#include "SquidTime.h"

/* Solaris /dev/poll support, see "man -s 7D poll" */
#include <sys/devpoll.h>


/* OPEN_MAX is defined in <limits.h>, presumably included by sys/devpoll.h */

typedef short pollfd_events_t; /* type of pollfd.events from sys/poll.h */

/** \brief Current state */
struct _devpoll_state {
    pollfd_events_t state; /**< current known state of file handle */

/** \brief Update list
 * This structure contains an array of settings to send to the /dev/poll
 * interface. Rather than send changes to /dev/poll one at a time they
 * are pushed onto this array (updating cur to indicate how many of the
 * pfds structure elements have been set) until it is full before it
 * is written out the API.
struct {
    struct pollfd *pfds; /**< ptr to array of struct pollfd config elements */
    int cur; /**< index of last written element of array, or -1 if none */
    int size; /**< maximum number of elements in array */
} devpoll_update;

/* static variables */
static int devpoll_fd; /**< handle to /dev/poll device */
static int max_poll_time = 1000; /**< maximum milliseconds to spend in poll */

static struct _devpoll_state *devpoll_state; /**< array of socket states */
static struct dvpoll do_poll; /**< data struct for storing poll results */
static int dpoll_nfds; /**< maximum number of poll results */

static void commDevPollRegisterWithCacheManager(void);

/** \brief Write batched file descriptor event changes to poll device
 * Writes out the static array of file descriptor event changes to the
 * poll device. This is done only when necessary (i.e. just before
 * the poll device is queried during the select call, and whenever
 * the number of changes to store in the array exceeds the size of the
 * array).
static void
    int i;
    if (devpoll_update.cur == -1)
	return; /* array of changes to make is empty */

        DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8,
        HERE << (devpoll_update.cur + 1) << " fds queued"

    i = write(
        devpoll_fd, /* open handle to /dev/poll */
        devpoll_update.pfds, /* pointer to array of struct pollfd */
        (devpoll_update.cur + 1) * sizeof(struct pollfd) /* bytes to process */
    assert(i > 0);
    assert(i == sizeof(struct pollfd) * (devpoll_update.cur + 1));
    devpoll_update.cur = -1; /* reset size of array, no elements remain */

/** \brief Register change in desired polling state for file descriptor
 * Prevents unnecessary calls to the /dev/poll API by queueing changes
 * in the devpoll_update array. If the array fills up the comm_flush_updates
 * function is called.
 * @param fd file descriptor to register change with
 * @param events events to register (usually POLLIN, POLLOUT, or POLLREMOVE)
static void
comm_update_fd(int fd, int events)
        DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8,
        HERE << "FD " << fd << ", events=" << events

    /* Is the array already full and in need of flushing? */
    if (devpoll_update.cur != -1 && (devpoll_update.cur == devpoll_update.size))

    /* Push new event onto array */
    devpoll_update.pfds[devpoll_update.cur].fd = fd;
    devpoll_update.pfds[devpoll_update.cur].events = events;
    devpoll_update.pfds[devpoll_update.cur].revents = 0;

static void commIncomingStats(StoreEntry *sentry) {
    StatCounters *f = &statCounter;
    storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Total number of devpoll loops: %ld\n", statCounter.select_loops);
    storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Histogram of returned filedescriptors\n");
    statHistDump(&f->select_fds_hist, sentry, statHistIntDumper);

static void
        "comm_incoming() stats",


/** \brief Initialise /dev/poll support
 * Allocates memory, opens /dev/poll device handle.
    /* allocate memory first before attempting to open poll device */
    /* This tracks the FD devpoll offset+state */
    devpoll_state = (struct _devpoll_state *)xcalloc(
        SQUID_MAXFD, sizeof(struct _devpoll_state)

    /* And this is the stuff we use to read events */
    do_poll.dp_fds = (struct pollfd *)xcalloc(
        DEVPOLL_QUERYSIZE, sizeof(struct pollfd)
    dpoll_nfds = DEVPOLL_QUERYSIZE;

    devpoll_update.pfds = (struct pollfd *)xcalloc(
        DEVPOLL_UPDATESIZE, sizeof(struct pollfd)
    devpoll_update.cur = -1;
    devpoll_update.size = DEVPOLL_UPDATESIZE;

    /* attempt to open /dev/poll device */
    devpoll_fd = open("/dev/poll", O_RDWR);
    if (devpoll_fd < 0)
	fatalf("comm_select_init: can't open /dev/poll: %s\n", xstrerror());

    fd_open(devpoll_fd, FD_UNKNOWN, "devpoll ctl");


/** \brief Set polling state of file descriptor and callback functions
 * Sets requested polling state for given file handle along with
 * desired callback function in the event the request event triggers.
 * Note that setting a polling state with a NULL callback function will
 * clear the polling for that event on that file descriptor.
 * @param fd file descriptor to change
 * @param type may be COMM_SELECT_READ (input) or COMM_SELECT_WRITE (output)
 * @param handler callback function, or NULL to stop type of polling
 * @param client_data pointer to be provided to call back function
 * @param timeout if non-zero then timeout relative to now
commSetSelect(int fd, unsigned int type, PF * handler,
              void *client_data, time_t timeout)
    assert(fd >= 0);
        DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8,
        HERE << "FD " << fd << ",type=" << type
        << ",handler=" << handler << ",client_data=" << client_data
        << ",timeout=" << timeout << ")"

    /* POLLIN/POLLOUT are defined in <sys/poll.h> */
    fde *F = &fd_table[fd];
    if (!F->flags.open) {
        /* remove from poll set */
        comm_update_fd( fd, POLLREMOVE );
        devpoll_state[fd].state = 0;

    pollfd_events_t state_old = devpoll_state[fd].state;
    pollfd_events_t state_new = 0; /* new state (derive from old state) */

    if ( type & COMM_SELECT_READ ) {
        if ( handler != NULL ) {
            /* we want to POLLIN */
            state_new |= POLLIN;
        } else {
            ; /* we want to clear POLLIN because handler is NULL */

        F->read_handler = handler;
        F->read_data = client_data;
    } else if ( state_old & POLLIN ) {
        /* we're not changing reading state so take from existing */
        state_new |= POLLIN;

    if ( type & COMM_SELECT_WRITE ) {
        if ( handler != NULL ) {
            /* we want to POLLOUT */
            state_new |= POLLOUT;
        } else {
            ; /* we want to clear POLLOUT because handler is NULL */

        F->write_handler = handler;
        F->write_data = client_data;
    } else if ( state_old & POLLOUT ) {
        /* we're not changing writing state so take from existing */
        state_new |= POLLOUT;

    if ( pollfd_events_t bits_changed = (state_old ^ state_new) ) {
        /* something has changed, update /dev/poll of what to listen for */

        /* did any bits clear? (in which case a poll remove is necessary) */
        if ( bits_changed & state_old )
            comm_update_fd( fd, POLLREMOVE );

        if ( state_new )
            comm_update_fd( fd, state_new );

        devpoll_state[fd].state = state_new;

    if (timeout)
        F->timeout = squid_curtime + timeout;

/** \brief Clear polling of file handle (both read and write)
 * @param fd file descriptor to clear polling on
commResetSelect(int fd)
    commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, NULL, NULL, 0);
    commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, NULL, NULL, 0);

/** \brief Do poll and trigger callback functions as appropriate
 * Check all connections for new connections and input data that is to be
 * processed. Also check for connections with data queued and whether we can
 * write it out.
 * Called to do the new-style IO, courtesy of of squid (like most of this
 * new IO code). This routine handles the stuff we've hidden in
 * comm_setselect and fd_table[] and calls callbacks for IO ready
 * events.
 * @param msec milliseconds to poll for (limited by max_poll_time)
comm_select(int msec)
    int num, i;
    fde *F;
    PF *hdl;


    if (msec > max_poll_time)
        msec = max_poll_time;

    for (;;) {
        do_poll.dp_timeout = msec;
        do_poll.dp_nfds = dpoll_nfds;

        comm_flush_updates(); /* ensure latest changes are sent to /dev/poll */

        num = ioctl(devpoll_fd, DP_POLL, &do_poll);

        if (num >= 0)
            break; /* no error, skip out of loop */

        if (ignoreErrno(errno))
            break; /* error is one we may ignore, skip out of loop */

        /* error during poll */
        return COMM_ERROR;


    statHistCount(&statCounter.select_fds_hist, num);

    if (num == 0)
        return COMM_TIMEOUT; /* no error */


    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
	int fd = (int)do_poll.dp_fds[i].fd;
        F = &fd_table[fd];
            DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8,
            HERE << "got FD " << fd
            << ",events=" << std::hex << do_poll.dp_fds[i].revents
            << ",monitoring=" << devpoll_state[fd].state
            << ",F->read_handler=" << F->read_handler
            << ",F->write_handler=" << F->write_handler

        /* handle errors */
	if (do_poll.dp_fds[i].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) {
                DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8,
                HERE << "devpoll event error: fd " << fd

        /* check if file descriptor has data to read */
	if (do_poll.dp_fds[i].revents & POLLIN || F->flags.read_pending) {
            if ( (hdl = F->read_handler) != NULL ) {
                    DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8,
                    HERE << "Calling read handler on FD " << fd
                F->flags.read_pending = 0;
                F->read_handler = NULL;
                hdl(fd, F->read_data);
            } else {
                    DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8,
                    HERE << "no read handler for FD " << fd
                // remove interest since no handler exist for this event.
                commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, NULL, NULL, 0);

        /* check if file descriptor is ready to write */
	if (do_poll.dp_fds[i].revents & POLLOUT) {
            if ((hdl = F->write_handler) != NULL) {
                    DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8,
                    HERE << "Calling write handler on FD " << fd
                F->write_handler = NULL;
                hdl(fd, F->write_data);
            } else {
                    DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8,
                    HERE << "no write handler for FD " << fd
                // remove interest since no handler exist for this event.
                commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, NULL, NULL, 0);

    return COMM_OK;

    max_poll_time = 10;

#endif /* USE_DEVPOLL */

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