On 12.09.2012 09:52, Alex Rousskov wrote:
On 09/11/2012 01:08 AM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
On 09/11/2012 01:52 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

url-rewrite, store-url,
and location-rewrite (also not ported) all have the same API

This is the first time I have heard about location-rewrite and it's a
nice and interesting interface.
it can be helpful for cdn stuff if i got it right.
But this is not for now.

Hm... I wonder if we are making a design mistake here by following
Squid2 steps: one helper to rewrite request URL, one helper to rewrite
store URL, then one helper to rewrite some special HTTP header, etc.
Would it be better to extend (in a backward compatible way) the URL
rewriter interface so that ONE helper can do all rewriting that is
needed (today and tomorrow)?

[ Well, you do need two helpers, one for requests and one for responses,
but you get the idea. ]

For example, a helper that knows about the enhancement may get a single
request from Squid and return something like this:

  _response_lines: 2

and Squid would know to parse the two additional response lines and act

The two-URL response can be done with the squid-3.3 helper key-value format I'm working on. One key for each URL. (Alex: I have one more test to run through it when I can find the time then a final stage audit).

OR, by requiring rewriters to implement concurrency, one channel for each URL with a type marker.

However, we want also to back-port this feature into 3.2 (3.1?) and maintain upgrade compatibility with 2.7 implementation, at least to start with.

It is also questionable whether the internal-rewriter feature when it gets prioritized again will replace store-URL helper completely. The use-cases here are very simple, "strip away some variant URL portion with a regex mapping to a static URL", which is almost the perfect case for internal re-write.

AFAICT, the primary advantage of a single URL rewriter is performance.

Yes. However, using a helper at all is a performance loss. Only covered by the HIT benefits of object de-dup.

The primary disadvantage is some loss of flexibility: the script has to
be invoked once, without adaptation or other actions possible between
the redirector and store URL rewriter invocations, for example.

Not a big loss on flexibility since URL-rewrite is after of the adaptations already. But with cache ACLs between re-write and store-URL we could be wasting a bunch of bandwidth on the helper I/O for non-cacheable things.

This also adds complexity from storeurl_access and urlrewrite_access collision merging.

I am an ICAP/eCAP guy so I do not have much experience with URL helpers,
but I thought I would bring this up before it is too late, in case
others find it useful. The decision to go down the single-helper path
should be made now, before we add another URL rewriter.

IMO the backward compatibility and easy upgrade from 2.7 overrides doing this now. It is possible to do a migration to this design later easily enough not to worry.


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