On 2014-02-24 10:12, Tsantilas Christos wrote:
Hi all,

This patch add the url_rewrite_extras for redirector helpers.
The url_rewrite_extras is a "quoted string" with logformat %macro
support. It is appended to request line for redirector helpers.

Example usage:
   url_rewrite_extras "Note1=%{Note1}note Note2=%{Note2}note"

The url_rewrtite_extras it is similar to the "key_extras" authenticator
helpers options. Originally developed to allow notes exchange between
authenicator helpers and redirector helpers.

In this patch we add a new type for cf.data the TokenOrQuotedString to
allow new configurations use quoted strings for the new option without
explicitly turning configuration_includes_quoted_values on.

This is a Measurement Factory project.

in src/cf.data.pre:
* why are you calling this new directive an alias of a non-existent "format" directive?
+NAME: url_rewrite_extras format

A few design bits:

1) Please make the redirectors existing parameters except URL the default value for this new directive. There is no reason to force those parameters to always be sent and for some users they are more pain than benefit as-is.

 new helper protocol format:   [channel-ID] URL [' ' extras]

new directive DEFAULT value:  "%>a/%>A %un %>rm myip=%la myport=%lp"

2) Please also make this same change mirrored for the store-ID helper.


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