If no objection, I will apply this patch to trunk.

On 02/24/2014 06:53 PM, Tsantilas Christos wrote:
> On 02/24/2014 01:40 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> On 2014-02-24 10:12, Tsantilas Christos wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> This patch add the url_rewrite_extras for redirector helpers.
>>> The url_rewrite_extras is a "quoted string" with logformat %macro
>>> support. It is appended to request line for redirector helpers.
>>> Example usage:
>>>    url_rewrite_extras "Note1=%{Note1}note Note2=%{Note2}note"
>>> The url_rewrtite_extras it is similar to the "key_extras" authenticator
>>> helpers options. Originally developed to allow notes exchange between
>>> authenicator helpers and redirector helpers.
>>> In this patch we add a new type for cf.data the TokenOrQuotedString to
>>> allow new configurations use quoted strings for the new option without
>>> explicitly turning configuration_includes_quoted_values on.
>>> This is a Measurement Factory project.
>> in src/cf.data.pre:
>>  * why are you calling this new directive an alias of a non-existent
>> "format" directive?
>> "
>> +NAME: url_rewrite_extras format
>> "
>> A few design bits:
>> 1) Please make the redirectors existing parameters except URL the
>> default value for this new directive. There is no reason to force those
>> parameters to always be sent and for some users they are more pain than
>> benefit as-is.
>> eg:
>>  new helper protocol format:   [channel-ID] URL [' ' extras]
>> new directive DEFAULT value:  "%>a/%>A %un %>rm myip=%la myport=%lp"
> Well I believe it is not bad idea....
> I implement this one in this patch.
> De we need others opinion? we are changing helpers protocol....
>> 2) Please also make this same change mirrored for the store-ID helper.
> OK.
> My first patch was wrong because it was changed the request format for
> store-ID helpers too.
> It should be OK now.
>> Amos

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